• Reviews around feature (4.61 of 5)

    Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX Graphing Calculator

    • I also really love the feature to split your screen into four parts
    • I absolutely love the Note feature because I can type notes for my class the night before the test/quiz and have everything there for me
    • It is functional for most things, you can even put a GBA emulator on it, but just spend the extra couple bucks on the cx cas because it can do antiderivatives and a few other good features
    • but after a few days.... it feels natural, some features isn't that comfortable to work with but its minor details.
    • Same for games ;DI think that the best thing is that this calculator can be used on a majority of official tests, including ACTs and SATs because it doesn't connect to the internet (without a separate adapter) or have a qwerty keyboard, so you can use all these good feature on your exams
    • It has all the features of any graphing calculator but with a great screen and awesome new features
    • The calculator works quite well and has a great feature set.
    • This feature alone makes it worth the money
    • As a telematics student this is perfect, however i may get the CAS one as some features are not available on this one
    • One of its most innovative features is a backlit, colored screen
    • The 3D modeling component is a bit less intuitive and hard to manipulate, and lacks certain features (though if they allowed, they will be banned from being used in high school level tests)It is hard to delete certain features (as required by IB)In some schools, you may have a hard time learning how to use your calculator if TI-84 is the standard used by teachers
    • I love that this calculator is the perfect blend of the classic TI calculators with some futuristic feeling features that make it a little more zazzy than the older non-backlit 8 bit pixelated clunky calcuators
    • It's like any other miniature e-reader (like an
    • This was bought for our daughter who was having some issues with her math classes as it was one of the calculators that was allowed to be used in her math classes as well as on the ACT.
    • n’t stress this enough, the buttons actually fit their holes
    • It's like any other miniature e-reader (like an