• Reviews around rain (2.33 of 5)

    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo Switch

    • Weapons break every 5 hits as they're made of pretzels apparently, rain constantly stops you from climbing anywhere and every dungeon is functionally exactly the same
    • The rain arbitrarily hinders your progress, making it near impossible to complete the task you're trying to do until waiting out the rain.-
    • Weather effects are cool, though rain can be irritating.
    • Rain makes you unable to climb, which tends to take the flow of exploration away
    • Cons:~The rain is a serious pain
    • The rain arbitrarily hinders your progress, making it near impossible to complete the task you're trying to do until waiting out the rain.-
    • My one complaint, however, is the rain
    • As close to perfect as we have seen
    • Some early access players and game journalists were also complaining a
    • Weapons break a
    • I purchased a Switch and this game for my kids and I love it just as much as they do
    • The Not-So-Good:-There really isn't much of a story here to unravel as you play
    • The graphics are gorgeous for a Nintendo game as well as for a portable game system.
    • The story line is unique to every instance of this game (not even every person), and the world is as challenging, engaging and complex as you are willing to make it
    • not that good as
    • it was just perfect if you have waited for years to play this game sorta like I did as I
    • You'll come to the same conclusion as I and my own dearest friends have as well
    • never satisfied with good or great i need excellent or awesome!