• Reviews around hand (3.00 of 5)

    The Pencil Grip Original Universal Ergonomic Writing Aid for Righties and Lefties, 6 Count, Assorted Colors (TPG-11106)

    • You can use left or right handed.
    • and they seem just right for an average second grader's hand
    • Needs clear marking of where to place your thumb for left or right hand
    • In particular they have helped me loosen my grip so my hand doesn't get as cramped
    • Works well and is labeled for left and right handed writers.
    • This grip is made with a spongy material that helps support a weak hand when writing
    • The grip itself is not bad, and fits both left and right hands....but I’ll definitely try to find grips that aren’t so difficult to install/remove.
    • Got these for my teenage daughter with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome to help with finger and hand (and joint) pain.
    • My son has a hard time writing being a lefty, we had a hard time figuring which way too turn them for lefty or v a righty... however he says they hurt his hand and make his writing worst
    • This WILL work for lefties if you use the same position as the typical right handed writer, just the other hand.
    • This is good for ADULTS, who are right handed
    • I tried different positions than what is recommended (and written on them) and found if I use the left handed thumb placement it feels slightly better, even though I'm right handed
    • Maybe my hands are too large, but I hate these
    • I cut mine in have and invert it to give a wider openweb space for the child who fists their hand, using a staticgrip
    • No more hand cramps!
    • My hand is much less fatigued when I use them.
    • This form is asymmetrical so it's not possible for it to work the same the same way for left handed people as for right handed people
    • We use these to help my son who has very weak hands and prefers a cylindrical grasp
    • It doesn't matter if you are left handed or right handed; it works for both.
    • My son is right handed and uses these in school to help with his grip and writing fatigue.
    • Right handed they feel fine
    • My daughter's hand hurts when she writes, but these did not help at all.
    • They make the pen/pencil bigger so gripping it isn't as hard on his stiff hands and he said they've been a lifesaver!
    • Upon suffering a strange hand injury, I had difficulty to grip my stylus or even write my name
    • It hurts his hand
    • Worked to fix incorrect grips for both left and right handed Kids!
    • I wish there was a way the manufacturer could make the letters stand out more or produce two different products, one for right handed people and another one for left handed people.
    • My 6 year old was having a hard time printing, his hands would get tired and cramped up, using these he can print for much longer and his printing itself has improved
    • Since he's been forced to learn to do everything right handed writing has been a big task
    • They work for left/right handed individuals, add width, correct usage assists with opening the webspace (area between thumb and index finger), and the materials prevents slippage and is just the right amount of "squishy" (non-technical term)
    • He'd constantly put his pencil down and stretch his hands and complain they were hurting
    • Her twin sister, who is right handed, also enjoys using them because she says it helps her fingers not hurt when they need to color for more than a few minutes
    • They are good, however they are marked "R" I assume for right hand
    • This is largely because she keeps swapping between her left and right hand.
    • Soft and works for right handed or left handed kids.
    • He is right handed and has not had a problem with them
    • They work great for either left or right handed children
    • We are using these to help with my southpaw son who is refusing to write with anything but his right hand, because that's how the rest of us in the family write.
    • We use these to help my son who has very weak hands and prefers a cylindrical grasp
    • Too bulky for my son's hands
    • The proper way to use these grips is obviously, for right handed kids, put thumb on the R and let the other fingers fall into place and the reverse if left handed - we tried that
    • The colors are good and they fit the hand very well.
    • If holding a pencil for long periods of time does nothing but cramp up your hand or make your fingers numb with pain than this is the product you should seriously look into
    • One is right handed and one is left.
    • These grips are great, they help my little ones sore little hands.
    • but my hands were aching
    • Great for my daughter who writes with her left hand and great for my son who writes with his right hand
    • When I hold it in my right hand, my fingers fall naturally into place, but it's not the same for the left hand
    • This style is better than the fish style because both left and right handed people can use the one grip.
    • This also has some markings on each side, making it easy to tell where to place your thumb, instructions show which way fits for left or right-handed people.
    • This grip is made with a spongy material that helps support a weak hand when writing
    • Both left and right handed children moved quickly through these two aides and now, no longer need the grips.
    • We have twins, one left handed and one right handed, that started kindergarten this year, and this helped them tremendously with their handwriting and grip strength.
    • I am a pharmacy student who is constantly writing with a sore hand
    • I take a lot of notes for nursing school and my hand is dead by the end of the day if I do not use these
    • He has weak hand strength and trouble with his grip
    • Grippers are made for both left and right handed.
    • They help my kids hold their pencils correctly and they work for left and right handed people.
    • She was getting swollen painful hand and this has been a wonderful tool for her
    • I am an 'old school' lefty, taught to slant the paper like a righty does, which forced me (and many others like me) to twist my hand and write upside down
    • I bought them for my just-turned 5-year-old and though he is getting used to using correct hand grip, these are perfect for guiding me to guide him
    • These work great for the left and the right-handed members of the family.
    • My hands cramp up pretty badly when
    • Helps with grip with sore hands
    • and somehow I don't feel like wrecking my one good hand
    • Since we are all right handed and he is the only left hand one this helped us teach him how to hold the pencil.
    • His hand doesn't hurt
    • The grips are comfortable to hold in the right hand; the proportion makes me think it would be more awkward in the left
    • great for both lefties and right handed.
    • Make sure to read the proper way to use these - if using for a right hand, place the thumb ON the "R" that is etched on it
    • and somehow I don't feel like wrecking my one good hand
    • (We are both right handed.)
    • They are both right handed but these appear to be for either handed individuals.
    • I have chronic hand pain and these are a huge help when writing!
    • Last winter I began noticing that my writing hand would feel noticeably fatigued after my classes that were the most writing-intensive
    • (I'm right-handed) is made easier with these ergonomic devices.
    • Since the child is right handed, they are saving those for him while he practices writing his name
    • I am not left handed though so I will leave a stellar review for any right handed person
    • We liked the twist n' write penagain children's pencils - they are helping my daughter to correct her pencil grasp.