• Reviews around people (2.10 of 5)

    The Sims 3 - PC

    • People also complained that it takes 35 mins to wait for your sims to sleep and get home from work
    • Trying it out after having played Spore for a while was refreshing; The Sims 3 feels like people spent time and effort on it, it doesn't feel slapped together or shallow
    • Notice how MORE people are NOT happy with Sims 3 then when Sims 2 first came out years ago
    • So people love this game and others hate it
    • Some people might be frustrated by things like that happening, but I found even unwanted surprises increase amusement
    • A major point I see popped up is people saying they don't like Sims 3 and going back to Sims 2
    • The main problem people seem to be having with this game is the fact that it won't work on their computers, but I'm running it well on a laptop from 2008
    • So you don't have to download every recolor (including many that should have been included because the people at EA are obviously color-blind as well as design-
    • Sims 3 is a "casual" game for impatient people who didn't like Sims 2
    • but then when you look at the 1 or 2 star reviews it usually says"6 of 7 people found the following review helpful"
    • So people complaining about lag and stuff probably have a bunch of viruses on their systems and other crap they've downloaded over the years and that is why they are experiencing blackouts and difficulties
    • People have complained to EA support about these issues, and are usually met with a run around or stoney silence
    • Like every other people said, it is a complete different from the Sims 1 and 2
    • I understand many people are frustrated because they couldn't install, computers crashed, etc etc!However, I had none of these problems
    • I'm surprised how many people are unhappy with this game.
    • Don't fail me now, EA/Sims3 people!
    • Many people here are screaming that it is a minor change -- but i would have to disagree.
    • Some people would probably like this idea, but I don't think they would enjoy it very much to play as one family then discover some time later that one of their favorite families all died in a fire while they were busy playing with another creation.
    • People put so much enthusiasm on how much less time it took to get in the neighborhood
    • Or just like to control fictional people in games, heh
    • The pets are really cute and you can control them just like the people Sims
    • People have become enthralled with creating virtual people, building them a house, sending them off to work, getting married and starting a family, etc
    • It is great to be able to move with the sim,go to town and take classes...but the sims one can make do not look all that good..even ones off The Exchange...unless they are sims people already made, that lose all their appeal when added to the game
    • Many people complained about the lack of hair, clothing, and furniture, but the base Sims 2 game didn't have much either
    • but people say that it works
    • I'm not sure what people were ranting about.
    • It seems like too much thought was put into Sims 3 and the people look funny
    • I panicked, thinking something was wrong with my system, but lo and behold, minimal research reveals that people with system specs that blow Sims 3 away suffer the crashing too
    • First, I was one of those lucky people who went through installation hell.
    • people may say its naughty, but its only implied... theres nothing bad
    • Consumers will of course use these services, thereby prompting more incomplete products like The Sims 3.People who love the Sims 2 and play it religiously, finding endless new ways to torture or reward their computerized people will find no qualms with the Sims 3
    • The sims 3 gives you that push to branch out and make your own family without the restrictions of never seeing them once they move out (if you stay with the parents point of view).I've heard people say that they are dissapointed with how long it takes to do stuff (sleeping, eating, bathing, etc.) and that if you have a family it is even harder
    • Those people are: a) lying b) running hundreds of other applications at the same time c) or doing something else wrong
    • People will die, move out, have children
    • I can insult in a gibberish language and slap people and fight them and everything without anything legitimately happening
    • I guess that's because EA wants people to buy objects from the online store (not gonna happen, guys)
    • In The Sims 2 you could make beautiful people
    • you will notice people LOVE or HATE it due for reasons of people not getting crashes and getting crashes.the problem lies in them taking my $63 for the game and it crashing and not saving
    • and spore too .I can't wait to see what else the got in store for my favorite little virtual people
    • I would just make both people in the same household and then "pretend" they lived next door and make my story
    • More people seem to be complaining about performance which is not a game issue, but a computer issue
    • I have to say, I was a little worried after ordering this game when I saw so many reviews in which people were really unhappy with it
    • People have complained to EA support about these issues, and are usually met with a run around or stoney silence
    • Fat sims also look like actual fat people instead of thin people with pot bellies, and musculature and fitness are different things
    • The graphics are TERRIBLE, all the people are blurry and ugly, very few options are available in terms of clothes or shoes, you can only follow 4 families at once, you can't watch anything happen on community lots (all you see is a screen saying what your sim is doing), sims no longer interact with certain objects like they did before (now you are magically inside of a car, no more walking to it, opening the door, climbing in, etc.)I could go on and on about how god-awful this game is but alas, it won't get me my $49.99 back
    • I don't know if other people are having this problem, but it is kind of disappointing how all of the children in my families
    • When people age and die, there are always new sims to meet and interact with that appear in the game.
    • The graphics are just so wishy washy, the people look so undefined.
    • I very much enjoyed creating people, and I liked the new options and more
    • The random face generator has generated me some of the most grotesque looking people and facial features I almost turn off the computer in fear
    • It seems like the people who are really not liking Sims 3 are ones that were really, really into Sims 2.
    • The graphics, in my opinion, are improved; my sims don't look fake or choppy like other people have said
    • Many people complain about how the story changes with people around your sim moving, getting married, having kids, etc.
    • Also, there are quite a few CC content out their now for Sims 3 and Sims 3 people are quite attractive
    • I would have liked to have been able to have other weird careers such as become head witch or be a gypsy and help people find love
    • People not computer-savvy will have a horrendous time figuring out how to get it to work
    • Like the midget people whose faces age but not their body
    • Like the midget people whose faces age but not their body
    • mostly just making people and houses but lol that's what Sims is for, right?
    • People say it makes them look doughy or something, but I like the realism, not that Sims weren't realistic to begin with
    • Creating people and having a bit of fun for an hour or so to me is fine, but people are obsessed and sit in front of the computer playing this stupid game for hour upon hour, ignoring there families, friends and even WORK
    • Most people won't enjoy all aspects of the game, but there is enough there that you will probably find an area you really have fun with.
    • The concept of it is actually pretty good - since many people were disappointed in the endless Stuff packs - but the prices need to be lower
    • I kind of like building two people up in the same lot and getting them to cohabitate and having their personality traits mix.
    • Another problem people seem to have is with the 'look' of the sims
    • o flaw it is perfect