• Reviews around screen (5.00 of 5)

    Thrustmaster MFD Cougar Pack Flight Control Panels

    • MFD-2 Base sets with parts for adjusting the degrees at which they sit-Instruction manual-CD Software-Multiple back plate images (some which are blank so you can write what you want)-2 clear front plates to protect the back plate images or LED/LCD screens (Not included - but if you wanted to add them)PROS:+Good solid build and feels durable+Plug-n-play+Very long USB cord+Simple/easy software+Adjustable back-lit green light that can get VERY bright+Heavy base if you intend to use them standing up+Parts included to adjustable the degrees at which they stand+Price is very reasonable for what you
    • It is not advertised and at their price point, I don't expect them to be included either; thus, expect to spend extra to buy LCD/LED screens if you want to put them behind these
    • will know.------NOTE:-These DO NOT come with LCD/LED screens
    • I wrote my commands on the clear plastic screens, and put a piece of green paper behind it
    • These are really great as others have said, adjustable LED brightness per panel, L/R