• Reviews around guy (1.35 of 5)

    Uncharted: Golden Abyss - PlayStation Vita

    • Hanging from a chain while in a gun fight with a team of bad guys is
    • the the Tomb Raider series came to my rescue. if you like the adventures of Lara Croft, Nathan Drake is your guy
    • Swipe to fight with a bad guy.
    • The shotgun guy looks the same in all encounters, as well as the the sniper guy, or the basic 9mm
    • I like it when a games uses these tactics, it makes me feel more involved in the game than shooting up bad guys or jumping puzzles.
    • Having played Uncharted 1-3, I like that this game also follows the basic Uncharted formula: climbing around, solving puzzles and taking out bad guys
    • Your gametime will be split between: exploration (although very linear most of the time), shooting bad guys, light puzzle solving (if you are looking for Portal 2 or Braid type puzzles look elsewhere), and witty dialogue
    • You have to routinely shoot bad guys with all sorts of pistols and long guns.
    • I didnt have any trouble climbing walls, shooting bad guys, and collecting relics
    • Compared to the other Uncharteds, there were more opportunities for stealth and sniping in Golden Abyss, which are my favorite ways to take out bad guys
    • You shoot bad guys and climb rocks
    • Of course this isn't an Uncharted without some bad guy trying to get the fortune all for himself, but this time there is two, so this makes it a race
    • There's a girl in trouble, a shady friend, a loyal friend, a fabulous treasure and a host of bad guys trying to stop you from getting the treasure
    • In Golden Abyss, I could choose to stealthily kill bad guys or just shoot them, but it all devolves into shooting them once I'm spotted, which is unavoidable by design
    • It's a bit clunky, but luckily the bad guys have very predictable patterns