• Reviews around screen (2.05 of 5)

    Uncharted: Golden Abyss - PlayStation Vita

    • The torn up puzzles are simple, but decently interesting, but the others are things like "swipe the screen and clean off an artifact" and they seem somewhat silly.
    • Interesting banter and witty remarks during gameplay that seems to be a trademark of all uncharted games is still in this game and I often would catch myself smiling away at my Vita's screen like a moron
    • The gorgeous Vita screen
    • There are two sequences in the game that require that you swipe the screen over and over and over again, it isn't fun at all and completely ruins what little flow hadn't already been destroyed by forcing swipes, balancing your Vita and tapping the screen previously
    • Also, you 'clean' artifacts, treasures, or relics with your fingers by swiping the PSVita screen and at the object
    • The QTEs events especially really get your adrenaline pumping as you have to swipe the screen quickly to land a finishing punch or keep Drake's grip on a handhold before he falls
    • Some feel out of place or awkward, like swiping the screen for fist fights.
    • I know that sounds really petty, but when you are talking about being in the middle of a story and the next thing you know you have to use the screen in an awkward fashion to clean off and item, or swipe up to avoid falling, it just detracts from the story line
    • You have to swipe the screen for quick time events and Boss battles along with some mini games and puzzles throughout.
    • Docked one star because of the stupid swipe the screen boss fights... suddenly in each boss fight the game goes from a shooter to a swipe the screen left / right / whatever direction type game.
    • Only once did I feel frustrated during a touchscreen mini-game in Golden Abyss that seemed impossible even though I swiped the screen as commanded, but that ended up being a user error
    • This one uses some gimmicks for the PSP Vita, like making you swipe the front and rear screens for tasks at times and using the gyro to due balancing and even using the camera as a light sensor at times.
    • Some feel out of place or awkward, like swiping the screen for fist fights.
    • Be prepared for a lot of quick time events that involve swiping the screen in certain directions
    • I altered the method I used to swipe the screen, and voila, never again was responsiveness an issue
    • Every few minutes you have to swipe three times just right on the screen to use your machete to cut through cloth, to melee fight, to help lift series newcomer Marisa Chase to higher ground or, worst of all, to try to save yourself from dying in quick-time events
    • Constantly having to rub the screen to clean items (while smudging my Vita in the process).
    • The torn up puzzles are simple, but decently interesting, but the others are things like "swipe the screen and clean off an artifact" and they seem somewhat silly.
    • You have to swipe the screen even for that
    • Swipe the screen how it tells you
    • Be aware that you will smudge up your screen quite often, even if you choose not to do many of the touch based attacks.
    • 75/100(C+)Gameplay - The AI sucks and headshots still don't work unless your using a sniper or a pistol close up