• Reviews around title (3.86 of 5)

    Uncharted: Golden Abyss - PlayStation Vita

    • I`ve pretty much played every important portable video game title ever created
    • The game throws in some new likable characters(including villains ) and an old friend from the previous titles shows up as well
    • Easily one of the best launch titles you could have for your handheld system, right?
    • It's definitely a worthy launch title
    • Golden Abyss is a solid title and a must-own.
    • Uncharted: Golden Abyss is a bold new title that pushes the limit on what the public's perception of what portable gaming can be
    • Uncharted: Golden Abyss is a great title for the Vita, check it out.
    • This was as good as a ps3 title
    • A great title of the uncharted series!
    • It's a great game, great launch title and shows potential that the Vita can do
    • this is one of the better titles for the playstation vita
    • I'm not used to portable titles having just as many cutscenes as a console title.
    • However, this title feels like no other portable
    • Uncharted: Golden Abyss is a great title for the Vita, check it out.
    • Golden Abyss is a solid title and a must-own.
    • It's a brilliant PSVita title that shows what the PSVita can do and what it can bring
    • The games writing isn't as strong as the other titles but is by no means poor, Drake isn't any less nimble than his PS3 counterpart as he can do everything minus tossing grenades back at enemies
    • Overall this is an exemplary launch title for the Vita, and is now one of my favorite video games, handheld or otherwise
    • It also has a plot equally as good as the PS3 naughty dog titles
    • Best intro title that shows what the vita could do
    • Clearly one of the best titles available for the Vita!