• Reviews around unit (3.22 of 5)

    Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth - PlayStation Vita

    • Healer and support units didn't shine as much since the healing wasn't enough to keep up with the damage
    • The other units provide some more support and debuff abilities, but their strengths are not enough to justify their use versus Mikazuchi and Ougi
    • I felt like in MOD, if your unit was attacked, it would lose a large amount of its health or die in one hit; on the other side, your units would pretty much one-shot the enemies
    • There are some units that perform better than others at a specific task, which is normal and fine, but it's at a point where there's almost no situation in which I would choose Unit A if Unit B excels at
    • Fumirul, on the other hand, provides a larger healing range and more utility to her allies, also being able to debuff enemies with some important debuffs, but her heal lacks strength and can only heal one unit at a time
    • In addition to this, when you complete a battle, all the units gain exp, even the one that didn't participate in battle