• Reviews around senran kagura (2.54 of 5)

    Valkyrie Drive -Bhikkhuni

    • While I do think there is some good stuff here, I ultimately like Senran Kagura's battle system, characters, T&A and humor significantly more
    • If you love Senran Kagura or similar hack-n-slash, musou-likes, then this is for you
    • If you're looking for a musou style game with some eye candy, I'd strongly encourage Senran Kagura over this.
    • Now, full disclosure, it's the swimsuit dlc, overpriced as it is, that really makes VD a five-star experience
    • Now, full disclosure, it's the swimsuit dlc, overpriced as it is, that really makes VD a five-star experience
    • Now, full disclosure, it's the swimsuit dlc, overpriced as it is, that really makes VD a five-star experience