• Reviews around player (3.75 of 5)

    World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth - PC Standard Edition

    • This is expected and really only gives players the illusion of choice as they're always going to pick the best one
    • Instead of developing, as in taking what players seem to generally like about a certain class or spec and evolving those traits for the better, Blizzard for some reason feels the need to randomly take certain specs and completely reinvent the wheel in a way almost nobody asked for (if overwhelming beta feedback is to be taken at face value)
    • and I mean broken going from both sides of the spectrum, from classes destroying everyone, to classes that can't even kill another player
    • This gave some players a significant advantage over others because they used exploits and at the start of an expansion, that is the time when it's most impactful.-PvP- Completely broken for some