• Reviews around use (3.40 of 5)

    Abus Bordo GRANIT X Plus 6500/85cm (33.46 in) black - Folding lock, Bike lock, Security level 15

    • This was a very enjoyable lock to use, but that thief knows where I live and clearly had no issues with the last lock
    • Great lock I feel very secure using itI wish it was a bit
    • It's still pretty stable using just the straps.
    • The Abus Bordo 6500 aka Granit X-Plus is a less common style lock, designed to be nearly as strong as U-Locks but without the limitations
    • would be that both old and current designs are much more flexible than any standard u bolt and more secure than most any cable.
    • Maybe not quite as secure as high U locks but certainly a lot more practical with the carrying case that can ether be strapped on or bolted directly to the frame where the bottle cage goes
    • I would feel confident in using this over those stupid clumsy U-locks which are so frigging huge and heavy (this is 4.4 lbs
    • Having had two bikes stolen in the past, I did not want a similar outcome for my expensive E bike.