• Reviews around eye strain (1.00 of 5)

    Alienware 25 Gaming Monitor - AW2518H

    • I tried all the response time settings in the menu, all give eye strain
    • Nothing made the eye strain go away
    • I thought maybe too much blue light, so I used the "eye comfort" color profile that makes the screen yellowish and removed a lot of the blue light, still eye strain
    • I could feel the eye strain coming on within 30 minutes, and after 3-4 hour use, my eyes feel destroyed and it grows into a headache
    • There are LED strips on the back of the monitor, but the intensity just doesn't seem there to really be seen unless you are gaming in the dark but that can lead to other issues eye strain wise
    • I set custom color profile and left R and G channels at 100 and drained blue to 50, still eye strain
    • I set custom color profile and left R and G channels at 100 and drained blue to 50, still eye strain