• Reviews around title (4.03 of 5)

    Assassin's Creed III: Liberation

    • I can only recommend this title to the diehard AC fan that has to have all the games and have played through all the stories
    • If you're on the go, or just looking for a more bite-sized Assassin's Creed, or want a strong title to round out your Vita collection, Liberation should be on your radar.
    • I really would love for Ubisoft to develop a full, proper AC Title featuring her, because I think she would make a really awesome leading assassin.
    • This is one of FEW decent titles since the launch games of the system, but there are a lot of noticeable bugs!
    • Vita owners looking for a fun action/adventure title should look elsewhere.
    • I love Assasins Creed versions, however this one is not the best, I prefer the previous titles, but is OK for PSVITA
    • If you already like the Assassin's Creed series, you will love this console-quality title on the Vita.
    • Totally recommend this title to anyone who owns a PS Vita.
    • I fully recommend this game to anyone who's been looking for a solid title for the Vita; I'd even say it's one of the system's must have titles
    • Many complaints that were used to lower the score was that it wasn't as fleshed out as the console version of AC 3.AC Liberation is a handheld Vita game and based on a portable title it it has surpassed anything ever made
    • The negatives as I see them are rough visuals from time to time(never took me out of the game) and the multiplayer is a total throwaway without any real instruction
    • No gore, etc, but I admit I still worry I about any level of