• Reviews around travel (4.68 of 5)

    Batman: Arkham Origins - Playstation 3

    • There are Riddler informants (just like City) and these data-packs (aka Riddler Trophies), there are towers to unlock (unlocking fast travel just like Far Cry 3), there are Riddler puzzles
    • You can even have Batman fast travel to the Batcave at almost any time to get some practice in the challenge rooms, change his costume, or even chat with Alfred
    • But of course this doesn't come without a price, you have to complete Enigma's challenges, which aren't that hard, to unlock the fast travel points
    • I did really like the way they did fast travel and how they used the Batcave which were much welcome new additions
    • To help you navigate the giant map, a Fast travel system using the Batwing has been added
    • Fast Travel helps out, but the loading time in between makes me feel like I'm playing a game on PlayStation 1 or 2.You've got the same gadgets that you normally
    • Some nice quality-of-life changes from Arkham City (e.g., fast travel).- Riddler trophy collection challenges are less annoying than they were in
    • They finally added a fast travel method which was desperately needed in Arkham City
    • That can be a good or bad thing depending on the player, but playing through is still fun none the less, but due to the hiccups of gliding from point to point with frame rate issue, it is not as fun to glide from one part of the city to the other as how arkam city was, so I wish there were a fast travel system in play to be able to over come that issue alittle, maybe a patch might fix it?The story is definitely the interesting part, all those assassins against the dark knight.
    • The fast-travel option was a so-so way to address this issue, better than nothing, and at least it played into the story line somewhat
    • You are also now allowed to fast travel around the city via the Batwing once you liberate certain Riddler disrupted radio towers.
    • Not enough gargoyles to view the city from or to grapple from, makes travel through the city a little tedious.
    • The new fast travel via the batwing is convenient, but I don't use it much because there's so many thugs, random crimes, crime scenes, Riddler relays, etc to find, towers to unlock, weapons caches to shutdown, etc
    • One addition to the game that is greatly appreciated is fast travel, you can unlock certain areas of Gotham City to fast travel to using the Batwing
    • The PS3 version was horribly choppy and laggy at times, especially with the fast travel and in combat
    • The world is really huge, so they've added a 'fast travel' ability, but you won't be able to fast travel to an area until you've completely taken down a random scattering of items.
    • So, with the exceptions of the expanded size of the city, the introduction of a fast travel system, and a new more advanced case-solving system (which, again, works against the theme of a younger Batman), this game does not really bring anything new to the table
    • "Origins" introduces a fast travel system to help navigate the larger map.
    • You're racing to defuse bombs in one of the story lines, but the fast-travel icons are grayed out, meaning you have to physically glide from one location to another
    • The fast travel is helpful but it gets old and I would had hope they would have allowed the player to be able to fly the Batwing rather than to make it a video pause of Batman traveling from one place to another
    • Another being that there is one Enigma challenge where you can not leave the room unless you fast travel, and it took me a VERY long time to think about using fast travel
    • whenever using the fast travel, the audio/visual do NOT sync up3. lag while using fast travel
    • The game can suffer from noticeable framerate slowdown at times, normally when lots of enemies are onscreen or when Batman fast travels with the Batplane, and the game froze on me a few times as well
    • I'm talking several minutes until fast travel
    • The bridge between the two parts of the city only has to be traversed once or twice before you can use the Bat Jet fast travel to get across
    • The game can suffer from noticeable framerate slowdown at times, normally when lots of enemies are onscreen or when Batman fast travels with the Batplane, and the game froze on me a few times as well
    • The game expands the playable area of previous game "Batman Arkham City" by adding a larger second island and adds an option to fast travel between points in the city
    • Single player story is pretty well written, voices are pretty good too, but those are not enough to outweigh the frustrations with the load times on menus or fast-travel cutscenes or the random bugs that disable mission completion throughout (which makes you reload from last save to restart the mission)
    • This is well-traveled territory
    • It is clear that plenty of effort went into making the story and gameplay come together, as well as into the fantastic voice acting and scoring
    • take on all of these characters that we all grew up loving, as well as it's dark and mature story
    • The cut scenes and story line was as impressive and entertaining as you can imagine, the voice actors do very admirable jobs, living up to the franchise standard set by the likes of Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill.
    • The combat system is virtually unchanged from previous Arkham games, but for some reason, the controls just don't feel as perfect as before
    • He is in your sights, here comes batman gliding at you as fast as he can...who is gonna win!
    • First off, Batman can travel around the city just as well as he could before by gliding and using his grapnel gun to zip himself to ledges and rooftops
    • If you liked the first 2 games and want more then this is it, its just not as great as it could have been.
    • The story didn't have a sense of urgency and many elements felt like reheated leftovers from a really good meal...not bad, but not as good as when it was fresh
    • Countering more than one enemy is also improved as it requires you to press the counter button once for each enemy you are engaging
    • Some of the controls were changed, and I should have known I was in trouble as you can't improve on perfection.