• Reviews around thing (4.30 of 5)

    Beam Wearable Smart Dynamic Full Color Display 1.4”

    • This thing is awesome
    • I actually like the thing for it's purposes
    • This thing is pretty great I’ve used it at a tradeshow for the opening of my hotel and everyone was impressed and wanted to buy one
    • I like how he is able to adjust to suit his mood-- being a teenager, sometimes warning is helpful-- or things he is thinking about
    • I will update this review if he has good things to say.
    • I really hope the company behind this digital "cause button" manages to do well enough to eventually get the cost of entry down, because this thing is awesome and I'd love to see it catch on!
    • For most people though, this is a fairly ridiculous thing to spend a hundred and twenty bucks on
    • But that aside, I LOVE my BEAM and am still realizing just how many fantastic things you can do with it!