• Reviews around battery (4.10 of 5)

    Brinno TLC200 Pro HDR Time Lapse Video Camera

    • With its built-in LCD, easy to navigate menu, adult sized buttons, incredible battery life, changeable lenses and unique HDR recording capabilities I consider it the "best of breed" and it is now my camera of choice for any time-lapse situation
    • I've been looking for some type of TL gear that is not too expensive to leave outdoors, as well as having good battery life (over one month with proper settings) and be able to inter-change lenses
    • They could probably engineer it to get far better battery life if they wanted to, but it's acceptable for a cheap consumer device
    • Great battery life
    • Beware that some rechargeable batteries are too fat to fit.
    • For example, more detail on how the HDR and scene modes actually operate, what impact they have on battery life and how the various manual exposure controls work.
    • Battery efficient
    • However, the stitched videos come out surprising crisp - and with very good battery life
    • First, the camera was dead (battery failure)
    • The positive to such a wide angle lens is if you are far away from the subject enough, it won't matter as much considering the output is still only 720.The camera's battery is very impressive
    • Super battery life, large pixels and HDR modes for challenging situations
    • Great battery life
    • Quality of pics is not as good as on ads clips, but still very good