• Reviews around bean (2.33 of 5)

    BUNN CSB1B Speed Brew Select Coffee Maker, Black

    • Recently began a search for the perfect cup of coffee everyday coffee...fresh roasted beans, ground to correct grind for bean and machine just minutes before brewing and to get the right brew temperature of water to bean for optimal flavor extraction
    • I grind my own beans and I grind fresh
    • Since I grind my own beans, I found it necessary to order the flow restrictor sprayhead to keep the basket from overflowing, but Bunn will send them for free
    • So we started spending way too much money on really good beans that we were lucky to have last a week
    • This coffee maker is not cheap; It's not programmable; it doesn't grind your beans, but I wanted another Bunn because the one I had before this one for about 5 years was great
    • If not, I'll have to be careful about the brand/grind coffee I purchase, and use whole beans and grind my own rather than buying preground 'special' coffees (which I usually do anyway
    • I previously owned a $300 Cuisinart brewer, which grind the beans, was programmable, and really shiny and expensive-looking
    • It does make coffee in short order which is the reason I ordered this brewerin the first place-so this is a great feature but be careful to not grind the beans too fine or you willget overflow of the coffee grinds into the carafe and onto the kitchen counter
    • On weekends, when I have time, I prefer my coffee to be made the right way with water at exactly 195 degrees, steeped for 4 minutes in a french press using freshly ground coffee beans
    • Also, if you use bottled cold wateras we do, first measure the water in the carafe, grind the beans, place the ground coffee into the basket,and shake the basket to evenly distribute and then pour the water from the carafeinto the machine before you close the water lid to start the process
    • Unless I ground the beans to what I would call a coarse grind, the brewing coffee would always bubble up the grounds and have them come in contact with the top of the basket/shower head
    • We have had the occasional overflow of the filter, making a huge mess everywhere, but discovered that this happens only when making a full pot and when hubby has ground the beans too fine and likely used too many (he gets a little carried away when it comes to his morning coffee).
    • It treats common beans like 8 O'Clock and Community Coffee, just a well as Custom Roasts from local roasters or Old Bisbee Roasters
    • The short version:If you want fine-tuned gourmet "high end" coffee, put in the work and use a french press to steep your freshly roasted and ground beans
    • The only downfall is that it can leak if you don't grind your own coffee beans
    • I grind my own beans and I grind fresh
    • as good as always
    • I am mystified as to why this coffeemaker has received so many high reviews.
    • After that, every pot of coffee I try to brew spills the grounds up and over the holder that contains the grounds because the coffee cannot get through the filter as fast as it is dispensing water
    • It doesn't have WIFI or scramble an
    • It works as it is supposed to, which is fine.
    • I love knowing the wait for my first cup is only 3 minutes and it will be as close to perfect as it can be with the only limiting factor being the kind of coffee I buy