• Reviews around death (2.22 of 5)

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Xbox 360

    • Keep in mind that I was a fairly solid Black Ops player who could move systematically around the maps and nearly always achieve a kill/death ratio greater than 1.
    • but the story bounces a little too much, and your delta force companions seem to cheat death a few too many times to be realistic
    • but I ran through it no problem except the one issue I always have with the single player Modern Warfare and that is the stinking deaths from grenades.
    • Again, this was a non-issue in other COD games and has also resulted in countless frustrating deaths that leave me wanting to go back to Black Ops
    • They changed some of the kill streaks and death streaks and how items are unlocked but it is the same game
    • The deaths in the begining seemed worth it, because the game was still fresh
    • Weapons such as the ACR and MP7 are entirely overpowered, and lead to many cheap deaths at the hands of camping players
    • I recently played with 3 people LOCALLY on a 4-player split screen Death Match.
    • i felt like i had cheated death
    • and you just want some douchebag to appear in front of you so that you can get out of this freaking death
    • No new player should have to go against a 14th "gold gun" presteiger with a kill death ratio of 3 to 1 with over 300 hours of game play experience.
    • Keep in mind that I was a fairly solid Black Ops player who could move systematically around the maps and nearly always achieve a kill/death ratio greater than 1.
    • When playing objective matches, the scoreboard only displays kills, deaths, and assists
    • Cheap deaths are the norm, weapons take FOREVER to earn attachments for and killstreaks are cool as ever but all those cheap deaths makes it increasingly harder to get them, unless you use care package
    • At least in Modern Warfare 2 no matter what I did, I maintained a kill death ratio of over 2.I
    • You can keep a constant K/D ratio (Kill/Death) without camping in MW2
    • I'm currently ranked pretty highly in the world with about a 3.2 kill/death ratio overall and a weekly that is about 6-8 depending on my week
    • I find myself more frustrated over cheap deaths and possibly being cheated in this game than any other game I have ever played
    • Love the Revenge death streak to.
    • I am already burned out on it because the only ways that I can seem to maintain a 1.00 kill death ratio is by playing into every one elses style, run around like a mad man and hope to see them before they see you.
    • I had been consistently pretty good in the other Modern Warfares (K/D> 2.00) and was pretty upset how hard it was to bring my K/D over 1
    • ve had a healthy K/D of 1.63
    • Sniper rifles should work as they were originally intended.
    • It now fires as fast as you can press the button which for a lot of people is as fast as the automatic shotgun.
    • I won't complain much about the campaign other than the fact that the story is getting dried out, predictable, and isn't quite as mind blowing as in the past.
    • You're pretty much forced to sit in one spot and kill enemies as they enter the choke point you're watching until one of them decides to come around back and kill you.
    • as someone new to the call of duty games I was just learning to play and the gameplay smoothly and the game impressed me as a
    • Sightlines suck and you are just as likely to bump into your enemy as you are all the garbage strewn around.
    • It was not nearly as good as
    • Hope the younger players enjoy this game as it was clearly designed for them
    • Not as good as the other Call of Duty games, but I still like it
    • Even with 4x increased sound of the enemy, I still can't hear their footsteps as well as in blackops
    • I'm just upset that this game with so much potential to be just as great as it's precursors was brought down to it's knees by the developers trying to "fix" a problem that didn't exist
    • MW3's campaign is great and almost as good as COD 4's and has the best graphics, online play, and has survival mode
    • If the game was 39.99 and touted as
    • As with most survival games enemies become harder to kill as you go on these guys help out alot
    • They allowed you to get a chance to do the things that you really wanted to do with some of the most advanced weapons at your disposal, as well as give you some of the most intriguing objectives that I have seen in a while