• Reviews around enemy (1.74 of 5)

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Xbox 360

    • You're pretty much forced to sit in one spot and kill enemies as they enter the choke point you're watching until one of them decides to come around back and kill you.
    • A bunch of new killstreaks have been added, but there are just as many useless ones as there are ones that destroy the game (an enemy AC-130 or Reaper on a small map= rage quit)
    • If an enemy turns around the wall/corner and immediately kills you in your hiding place, that person is most likely using that cheat code)
    • Self-Revives allow you, if downed, to kill an enemy to get back up
    • Basically, you kill enemies, get money, spend the money on weapons and killstreak rewards, and kill more enemies
    • Because most of the maps are small spawning is incredibly stupid and enemies will spawn right around the corner and kill you from behind about 50% or more of the time while you are playing not to mention all your teammates will go around the map and you will be all alone and safe in some area and for some reason it will spawn the enemy team next to you or all around you instead of your teammates which makes no sense
    • : Move forward, fight a hoard of dumb and predictable AI enemies, kill them, move forward, repeat
    • It's on rails, the enemies come from the same place every time and after awhile it's just plain boring.
    • No zombies, you are fighting real, tough, smart enemies with juggernauts, helicopters, and suicide bombers in support
    • (Aside from the crazy submarine level.)There are a few poor choices in some of the levels like infinitely spawning enemies until you reach an invisible box, or in the underwater level, you can actually get pinned against the side of the screen and die.
    • (Aside from the crazy submarine level.)There are a few poor choices in some of the levels like infinitely spawning enemies until you reach an invisible box, or in the underwater level, you can actually get pinned against the side of the screen and die.
    • The enemy will respawn right behind you a second after you kill them (assuming you do actually kill them and don't get one shot wondered by the horrible latency issues)
    • You actually feel beastly as you mow down enemy after enemy while shrugging off round after round.
    • There is also a "Pro" variant of each perk, which extends the ability of that perk (i.e. Scavenger-Collect ammo from each killed enemy, Scavenger Pro-Spawn with extra ammo) and is unlocked after completing challenges for that perk.
    • No zombies, you are fighting real, tough, smart enemies with juggernauts, helicopters, and suicide bombers in support
    • Once again the unlimited enemy spawns are gone which is a great advancement, just like MW2
    • You can't even tell where an enemy is unless you either (a) die, (b) see him right in front of you, or (c) see them on the radar while they are firing their guns (Which may as well go back to "a").As for the sound department
    • The locations (which, ironically, are MP maps) actually work very well for this mode, and the enemies are actually pretty smart.
    • During one segment, I missed two enemies after mowing down a force of thirty, and the next section halted until I found and killed them
    • However, more then once an enemy would come from nowhere, usually behind, and kill me.
    • and while it dosent offer much towards killing the enemy, it does give rewards like the UAV which shows enemy locations on the map, ballistic vests that your teammates can take, and a SAM turret that can shoot down enemy aircraft
    • Your bullets can't paint enemies red like in Black ops, and you cannot gib enemies with heavier weapons like in the last 2 Treyarch games
    • As others have stated, you see an enemy, shoot them what seems like multiple times with the little crosshair click so called "confirming" these impacts, and the enemy seems to turn around and shoot you once, bam, dead.
    • Also, quite a few opportunities to flank the enemy and gleefully waste the opposition in a hail of gunfire.
    • The multiplayer maps are really urban and can be difficult finding opposing enemies
    • great!!Tyler M