• Reviews around people (2.12 of 5)

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Xbox 360

    • People complain about all the cover that is available, if Call of Duty was real life, people would fire from behind cover as well
    • I also hear that people are sad there are no zombies like on Black
    • The persistent feel of people cheating in the game is still there (and people are cheating in MW2 and Black Ops).The bottom line is that the game is more of the same and is just boring.
    • Some people made similar complaints of the PPSH and the MP40 in World at War
    • The game simply encourages people to sit in corners or go prone at the end of long walkways because there really isn't anything else to do.
    • even if you cant kill 18 people back to back you can still get your air drop
    • People that lack the personal fortitude to excel in life certainly will enjoy this game
    • I find myself doing circles while I run around because people can come out of nowhere and kill you
    • As for the new "point" system, it can go die in a hole for all I care, considering you can get killstreaks the same way you did the last two games by just going around and killing people and getting your predators
    • A common situation in MW3 now is watching sugar high 9 year olds insta-spawinging from death, and immediately sprint into the fray sraying and carrying on like idiots killing people with out effort at all
    • People that play in the middle of these two styles I believe have the most success
    • People talk bad about this game, then sink 80 hours into it anyways
    • Most of the time a very quick burst of 2-3 shots will kill most people.
    • This makes most of the shotguns fairly useless as they just don't kill people well enough which is why they should be secondaries.
    • The best innovation is taking out zombies ( can someone explain to me how people cry and scream for "realism" in a game, and then want zombies !??!)
    • My Nephew loves this game, it was an xmas gift and even though he doesnt play online it keeps him entertained... great for non-obsessed gamers and people who just like to play.
    • Campers crying people for both ps3 and xbox.
    • the graphics are good, not great, sound is a bit wankie even after you adjust it and the developers seem to have tried to appease too many people making it very easy to increase your kill ratio with very little effort
    • I think there is a negative sentiment against Call of Duty because some people are annoyed with it and simply didn't get it, or never liked it from the start
    • I find it amusing how many people have wasted their life to hate on this game
    • I am not saying people that buys this game are stupid,I am saying there are plenty more better FPS games like Battlefield
    • Seriously Modern Warfare has its share of insanity but not all are like that since I have met plenty of fantastic people in my course of gaming on Live.
    • Say you are 23-0, one away from a Moab, well get ready for everybody to charge in at you at the exact same time because CoD players don't comprehend letting other people have fun
    • people hate this game because its like mw2
    • If a million knowledgeable people bought the game, instead of 6+ million, the ratings would be a totally different story
    • But you can't really stop that, you can only blame the other people for that, not the game
    • Some people might quickly throw out the "you're just bitter because you suck" line.
    • Seems like other people are a second ahead or vise versa.
    • people hate this game because its like mw2
    • The result tends to favor people with the most experience
    • The gameplay is HORRIFIC people lag hit detection is Sub-Par even on a 4 Bar 12 MS ping connection
    • The people who rate this are just but hurt bf3 players who dont play to have fun but to just look cool when they play a slow game because infinity ward comes out with new content every month while battlefield every other
    • and I do have very bad games, but some people do get really bad with the insults
    • it really good people it work great
    • You have people just blind firing around corners with SMGs and actually killing people with the help of aim assist
    • Most of the time you're limited to run-and-gunning and looking for hiding people (ironic for such small maps)
    • But I hate this game, The map designs are terrible its very easy to trap people in their spawns
    • Most people were bashing the game because they thought it was too similar to MW2
    • My Nephew loves this game, it was an xmas gift and even though he doesnt play online it keeps him entertained... great for non-obsessed gamers and people who just like to play.
    • Also, in any other Call of Duty, you have the unemployed people that play this all day and are 20th prestige and will own you, but for the most part, it's okay
    • People always complain about the maps being to small but there is a reason behind this
    • How can people complain about camping in the first place?
    • did they just create new maps and throw all the same stuff from mw2 in there to get millions of dollars from dumb people
    • The music sucks (no Hans Zimmer return), some of the missions are ridiculous (3 people against an entire Somali militia), there aren't any compelling characters aside from Makarov, and there isn't enough emphasis placed on the whole WORLD WAR 3 aspect hyped in the trailers.
    • Last note on the multi, please make people actually shoot someone to kill them.
    • on online gameplay people abuse sniper rifles, gernade launchers, heartbeat sensors to the point that you get mad and turn off the console however non of this is true for mw3
    • What is so fascinating about running around and killing people!
    • The problem here is that Activision does not recognize that people get good at a game
    • Throw on top of that; you can only play 2 people cooperative
    • I thought it was disrespectful of ACTIVISION to still put the name "INFINITYWARD" on the package of the game to fool people who arn't even aware that West and Zampella left and that it is not the same people making the game
    • I don't blame people for wanting something new after playing what feels like the same game in a new coat of paint, but as someone waiting for a game as great as Call of Duty 4 was, I finally got what I wanted
    • Long story short, people either love this game, Or love to hate it
    • Add to that a huge gap in capabilities between the higher-ranking players - who had spent countless upfront hours with their consoles - and newbies; as well as people with super-fast connections and those on slower speeds
    • The game play also makes no sense you just run around with guns and kill people
    • Save your money and buy some other game instead of spending it on this and allowing Activision to rip people off
    • The developers may have thought they were doing people a great favor by making the killstreak rewards chain together (i.e., kills given by a killstreak reward count toward the next reward, as was NOT the case in Black Ops), but what this ended up doing was causing what I like to call a "killstreak fest."
    • just had to express how good i feel of this game and of the whole series great game and great people here to deal with way better than ebay and all the
    • People can't just make a crosshair pop up in front of their faces and kill people like that in .2 seconds
    • The gameplay is pretty much the same as MW2, which some people found disappointing, but honestly: don't fix what ain't broken
    • The multiplayer is pretty rehashed stuff from before, my favorite mode is a new one called Kill Confirmed where you kill people and they drop a dog tag, collecting the dog tag is the only way you score in this mode, and I feel this mode promotes actual teamwork.
    • While MW3 tries to offset this with "prestige" (resetting a player's bonuses), it doesn't change the end result that generally people with the most experience (who already have an advantage due to the sheer time they've spent on the game), also have a distinct advantage in unlocked bonus weapon power-ups
    • Sometimes when I read reviews on games, people seem to just vent and their opinions I find are not very true, but believe you me, the maps are the bane of MW3.
    • This is the best call of duty game right after Call of duty Modern Warfare, Its so fun people are spending over 10 hours just playing MW3 its so fun its addicting, They sure did a good job on this game.
    • not to mention hacks are allowed and the game has already been hacked , an new feature which is lag compensation which basically says here people with crappy connections you have the upper hand in every conflict and sponge bullets from someone with a good connection and kill him with one shot seconds later there are tons of other failures in this game
    • The good people at Activision have done it again
    • The M-16 which used to be a decent gun has now been nerfed to the point where its useless, sadly we can thank all the people who complained about this gun in previous games for that
    • the people who use these killstreaks are the same people that play defensively, so now these defensive player are penalized for switching to a class with a stinger to take out air support
    • People bash this for not being innovative enough, but it has improved on the awesome legacy of CoD.I bought Battlefield 3 after this and wasn't enjoying
    • Normally I would say kudos to those people doing well enough to achieve those rewards, but when their bomber granted them a helicopter, it's not so impressive anymore...just annoying
    • It basically is like any action movie where the henchmen somehow cannot defeat just two people
    • Many people have complained about the
    • if you don't buy the game enough people will so they won't change it.
    • Most people just play the game like it's Free for All.
    • Exactly why people would be so foolishly naive as to expect some groundbreaking new game from this, and then bitterly whine and complain on it in reviews, is beyond me.
    • People bash this for not being innovative enough, but it has improved on the awesome legacy of CoD.I bought Battlefield 3 after this and wasn't enjoying
    • About the only people doing that it should work for or those with shotguns
    • but there are new maps and new attachments and a fun new campaign mode that I definitely feel was worth another $60.Not sure why people expect them to totally scrap and start from scratch for a sequel.
    • People complain that it's more of the same, but that's not a bad thing.
    • If that were the case, people should have complained 5 years ago.
    • Call of Duty is no different, and they are smart to ignore the few ignorant people who want to get their minds blown with every release
    • I, like most people were looking forward to playing this game that would be very similar to mw2, After reading the gameinformers I knew this game wouldn't be too different
    • I understand that there are annoying people who would go into games and just team
    • People complain all the time about overpowered guns and class setups because you get one shmuck who posts a class on youtube and thousands of people start using that beast of a class and you hear people complaining that the gun is overpowered when if they were to shush, there wouldn't be as much pain