• Reviews around coffee grind (1.40 of 5)

    Chemex Classic Series, Pour-over Glass Coffeemaker, 3-cup - Exclusive Packaging

    • Put Chemex (with filter and coffee grinds) on a scale, and tare.(7
    • I've had this for a few months now, but only recently have had the time to learn to use it, get the coffee grind size honed, etc.
    • It's so easy to use - just put in a Chemex filter, pour in the coffee grinds (I just eyeball it), and pour in the water.
    • Put coffee grinds in wet filter, and give Chemex a gentle shake to even out the grinds.(6
    • I can simply compost the coffee grinds/filter- much easier
    • My wife wasn't a huge fan due to the constant coffee grinding and cleaning and waiting for the water to boil.
    • Takes some patience and time since you have to wait for the water to work through the coffee grinds and filter as you pour the water, but oh, it is worth it.
    • Basically the 'secret' of the Chemex is that a 'coffee slurry' - a fairly dense suspension of coffee grinds in water - gets the most flavor out of the grounds.
    • Add 42 grams (about 6 tablespoons) of coffee ground kind of like kosher salt
    • Not only is it smooth, you get no coffee grinds in it and the coffee's genuine taste
    • I highly recommend getting a scale to weigh your coffee grinds and your water.
    • As you just wake up its a soothing process to perfectly measure coffee grinds, boil water, and SLOOOOWWLY pour over water to brew
    • I want to thank you for the coffee grinding tips.
    • I also love watching the coffee grinds "bloom
    • Start by pouring 2x the coffee weight to "bloom" your grounds (50g in this example and try to get ALL the grounds wet) and pause for about 30-45 secs
    • grind 42g
    • I've played around with grind size and weight a bit to "fine tune" the taste, but I've been very happy with a medium grind setting (right in the middle of my grinder's finest and coursest settings) and 42g of coffee for 700g of water (just under the suggested 17:1 water to coffee ratio that many coffee snobs prefer).The coffee out of this chemex brewer is so much better than the automatics I've tried, anything I've had out of my Keurig, of anything I've had in any coffee shop (except those that manually make pour over brews).
    • If I could only fit 1200 g of water in my kettle, then I would fill it to the very brim, grind 80 g of beans (1:15 coffee to water ratio), and start pouring
    • Grind 15g of beans for every 8 oz of coffee
    • Makes an excellent wedding gift, too.