• Reviews around music (3.44 of 5)

    DanganRonpa: Trigger Happy Havoc - PlayStation Vita

    • Zero Escape (for dark plot setup)Persona 3/4 (for social development)Phoenix Wright (for investigation and trial)And then add original characters, really strange/wonderful music, and a great 2D/3D mix art style, and you have Danganronpa
    • I love the art style and the music.
    • I think the music is indeed great, but I don't necessarily need the soundtrack
    • Rally great music that set the tone for the tenser situation, and very nice characterization of the motivation makes, the cast and atmosphere great
    • Even during this period, I still had immense amounts of respect for the charming and unique art style, and excellent melancholy music that this game has to offer
    • Zero Escape (for dark plot setup)Persona 3/4 (for social development)Phoenix Wright (for investigation and trial)And then add original characters, really strange/wonderful music, and a great 2D/3D mix art style, and you have Danganronpa
    • Even during this period, I still had immense amounts of respect for the charming and unique art style, and excellent melancholy music that this game has to offer