• Reviews around drive (1.80 of 5)

    Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium 13

    • However, keeping your hard drive defragmented and optimized is essential
    • do detect a bit of improvement in the accuracy of transcription, but I'm not sure whether to attribute that to the new version of the software or the great improvement in my new computer – solid-state drive, i7 processor, 12 gig RAM
    • I have patiently called and recalled customer service, who have responded with remarkable incompetence (for instance, telling me to buy an external hard drive and transferring unrelated files to it to "free up memory") and passive-aggressive attitude
    • This next suggestion is basically more than a suggestion: you will need to keep your hard drive as defragmented as you possibly can, and optimize the functions on Windows as best you can
    • The biggest contrast I have is that my copy of Dragon at work uses a hard-drive that cannot be defragged because of the network, and the memory is garbage ( 2 gigs for Windows 7 is insane)
    • The friendly message says "Correct the error and try again".Though my install choice was to install 100% of all features onto my hard drive, the setup program created a startup icon that was configured in such a way as to install on 'first use', and 10 seconds after clicking on that icon it displays messages say it can't install.
    • The v 11.5 works with win7.