• Reviews around enemy (1.77 of 5)

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - PC

    • Sometimes they will die during a fight or get in your way, but generally I found them being helpful, even if all they did was act a distraction while I killed enemies
    • My favorite quest line is the Imperial vs. Storm-Cloak story in this game, it's really super fun to fight with Imperials and take over forts or ambush enemies, etc
    • Hide in the shadows before burning or striking your enemy with fierce magic
    • (Leveling up to 50 is about 3 hours of play if you constantly fight enemies) to play the game and it's actually enjoyable
    • You can be a werewolf, a vampire, you can be a mage and kill your enemies with the press of a button.
    • "shoot a colored ball" spells, stealth and melee reward characters who can plan and exploit the many ways of distracting and disrupting enemies (to the point where it feels less like a hack'n'slash and more like a real action game) and quests now flog you around a huge world where fast travel is actually MORE limited than oblivion
    • Now you can with one hand wield a power fire bomb to burn your enemies, and with the other a frost spell to make them have a cold vacation
    • The enemy AI is good to a certain degree.5
    • Also enemies don't pursue you like they did in Oblivion, in Oblivion they would chase you from the outdoors to the indoors and vice versa, here you can engage an enemy on the other side of a door leading to outside of a house and retreat through that door to heal without them pursuing you, if this is good or bad I won't speculate.
    • anymore.- Enemy AI is kind of shoddy at times.
    • The enemies are smarter and the combat is more challenging than the previous bethesda titles
    • And even after leveling up a lot the game remains challenging and fun by increasing enemy difficulty and skill.
    • Fire damage continues after a blow is dealt, so its a bit hard to quantify, frost damages both health and depletes enemy's stamina
    • When an enemy is killed with a spell they often fly back in rag doll
    • There are a few flavors of killing enemies
    • Bows can shoot arrows a good distance, and if you get a sneak attack on an enemy with your bow, the enemy will take 2x damage
    • Speaking of monsters, the horse will run right into the thick of battle and help you attack enemies
    • In that time in the Skyrim world I slay dragons, spend time on quests learning about the people, the world, and in the process killed many enemies while helping friends.
    • The Companions (Skyrim's version of the Fighter's Guild): effectively clear enemies from locations quests
    • (reason why I only gave 4 stars).- Enemy scaling: better than Oblivion, but kind of annoys me that when I'm level 2 a giant can kill me in one hit, but I can completely annihilate an entire band (maybe 7) bandits without even losing half health by myself.
    • You may have 1 Dragon Shout equipped at a time and these can freeze an enemy, slow time, make you teleport 50 meters, create a storm, pacify enemies, breathe Dragon Fire, etc...
    • It's just too bad that I cannot get used to the awkward, spread-out and clumsy setup which is all I have open to me; in combat, I am constantly facing the wrong way, and am lucky to get a hit or two in before my companion has killed all the enemies.
    • Now, the world does become slightly more difficult as you level up, but there are still incredibly tough enemies like Giants and weak enemies like Wolves throughout the game, so there's some variety
    • Now, the world does become slightly more difficult as you level up, but there are still incredibly tough enemies like Giants and weak enemies like Wolves throughout the game, so there's some variety
    • Not, you can kind of break this by exploring areas which are meant for higher level characters - in other words you can go off and get killed by more powerful enemies if you want.
    • She does sometimes get in the way, and actually she's pushed be into a trap or off a cliff from time to time...and has the annoying habit of tripping every trap she is near and will do so again and again in some places, and even reduces the experience points I could have got by killing an enemy before I do, but for Boss enemies and when dealing with multiple enemies she's a valuable ally
    • the fireball and lightning bolt spells together nothing says over powered like these two together flinging a enemy away from you like you shot them with a cannon
    • The most interesting person I can think of off the top of my head is M’aiq the Liar
    • There's a nice big world to explore, and to some degree I feel like the developers really tried to expand from the quest grinding of "retrieve X, or kill Y"