• Reviews around people (2.08 of 5)

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - PC

    • Really all the people complaining about Steam need to stop
    • Now, food acts like health potions and some people complain that even with such a well detailed world the game system did not allow for much in the way of immersion.
    • To those that think that their need to make money at someone else's expense without making an honest effort at giving something of value in return outweighs inconveniences like treating others as you would like to be treated and human decency, I would suggest that your problems with cracked versions of the game and people getting around buying it will only get worse if you make it that difficult to buy from you without getting screwed.
    • In Skyrim they are cold and clever business people trying to revive their order
    • The people are still ugly but at least it's tolerable compare to Oblivion
    • Many people complained about the voice-
    • Some people would call the Steam requirement a negative, I haven't found too burdensome myself
    • That is just smart marketing and means more people can buy and enjoy the game.
    • Bethesda smartly added more people to work on hand-crafting dungeons, and it shows
    • In Fable, walk around town and have people clap and cheer at you
    • if people want my opinion if it's worth your money or not i say no
    • And it has shown itself time and time again that a properly made game will generate alot of revenue for the makers, it's just that Bethesda are lazy people that would rather make money than good games
    • Mostly, people love this game because you can do anything in terms of RPG-style actions-- you can buy a house, get a wife, adopt children, and still go out and kill dragons, raid houses, steal stuff, kill bandits, etc
    • Legion / Civil War quests: Mostly either defend this location from an onslaught or kill all the people at this location
    • That the people dont all mostly look like Gorns, who Trekkie would know about, those Lizard people or those people with Lion faces
    • I think people just don't like having something out of their control on THEIR system with THEIR game.5
    • but drm schemes come and go because enough people complain about it
    • People have been complaining about the console like feel
    • The way they kill the people so realistic
    • I have read comments from knowledgeable people defending Bethsoft saying, with a game so vast, you have to expect bugs.
    • but I would guess most people that liked the previous games I mentioned will find this game even more fun
    • I know people have an issue with
    • and there's mods to make people look horrible or model-beautiful, mods to add weapons and armor, even new castles and dungeons
    • , amazing caves holds and dungeons, easy installation, easy patching.cons: Some people have reported problems with steam, small texture glitches (on high end machines), No unstuck feature (its happened to me twice)
    • I am sure there were a lot of surprised and/or disappointed people when they tried to play this game
    • Many people seem to like Oblivion better - personally I have not had the sustained 'oh wow look at that' with Oblivion that I have had with this title.
    • and there's mods to make people look horrible or model-beautiful, mods to add weapons and armor, even new castles and dungeons
    • I dont really have a problem with it personally when I was younger I used to barrow games from my friends and install them on my computer without buying them which now would be considered Piracy which is why I now always buy my own games the way I figure it they were cool enough to not to arrest me when I got free games and music back in the day the least I can do is but the game instead of trying to get it for free and getting a virus in my machine sorry about that I hate people bad mouthing companys that just want to make sure they aren't being screwed over so back to Steam when you first install the game it will take some time for you to get it up and
    • The way they kill the people so realistic
    • Why did Bethesda release this game and trick people into something so unfair
    • The graphics are fantastic - people's facial expressions match their respective tone of voice; the commentary by the city guards varies, depending on what you are or aren't wearing or what weapon you have equipped, and the way the seasons change...the details were definitely well-thought-out and implemented!
    • I have read forums and many people have this problem
    • The jarl asks you to clear out a lair of harmful creatures/people, and you get a reward for it (along with the gear and experience you get just from clearing it out.
    • Some people complain about the game just not working at all
    • People will scream "WATCH OUT!!!
    • Of course there were a few things that people could see hampering the game
    • there is no inflation, people willingly live in caves and risk their lives as bandits when they could be rich in a few days of adventuring or crafting, etc.
    • Some spells are ice spike flames, soul trap ,reanimated zombie, which can make dead people fight for you for a period of time
    • They did a better job of this in Oblivion where people would hail you by your new title every time you did something new and since you where famous people would always smile at you and say something like "The champion of Cyrodil
    • another issue people knew about but still are complaining over
    • the menu system isn't as bad as people are grouching about, in my opinion it's easy to use (its very similair to fable: lost chapters)
    • I've improved my experience in game by installing all sorts of modifications(thanks to a dedicated community of skilled people).
    • I haven't got some unrealistic expectation that Skyrim should be absolutely perfect in every way, I expect bugs and I expect that there will be things I don't like which other people will
    • You can win people's respect by brawling with them, or telling them what they want to hear...or you can intimidate them into going along with your plans
    • These can blow people off the side of mountains, fill a subterranean corridor with fire or carry you through the air in a mini-whirlwind
    • In Oblivion vanilla(vanilla means unmodded), mages and thieves were almost useless because mage attacks were underpowered(and visually lacking), and the NPCS magically knew wherever you were, making escaping impossible and sneak attacking people hard
    • People treat your character like dirt no matter what you do or accomplish and a number of quests limits player choice which runs against the expectations of players of the previous titles.
    • Other people seem to like it, though, so more power to them.
    • As for if I think people should buy this game if you love to run around killing animals, people, dragons, trolls and, all other things, and love to do dungons then this game is one you should get, its huge, combat is good granted the AI can be fairly dumb, yes run to me enemys as I roast you with fire until you die at my
    • Many people have concerns about controls for PC "ports" and I can say that they have hotkeyed this game to a perfect effect and most menu commands you do not need to move the mouse to say yes you can press "Y" or "enter" in almost all instances
    • As many people have complained about its not gorgeous in the zoomed in detail.
    • Also I am not quite sure why so many people have issues
    • some people upset about that is beyond my understanding.
    • I also decided I would not pickpocket unless it was a specific quest requirement as many of the potential "marks" obviously were poor people trying to make their way
    • People try to leverage you for their will
    • As for if I think people should buy this game if you love to run around killing animals, people, dragons, trolls and, all other things, and love to do dungons then this game is one you should get, its huge, combat is good granted the AI can be fairly dumb, yes run to me enemys as I roast you with fire until you die at my
    • This isn't 2004 anymore when Half Life 2 was released and Steam was required and people had legitimate complaints about dedicated internet.
    • You can win people's respect by brawling with them, or telling them what they want to hear...or you can intimidate them into going along with your plans
    • Look at all the negative reviews - vast majority is just people griping about Steam or accusing Skyrim of consolitis