• Reviews around surface (2.91 of 5)

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - PC

    • I can tell you first hand after 200+ hours I feel like I've only scratched the surface of what the game has to offer.
    • and I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface of what is playable
    • and I have hardly scratched the surface of what is available and only made a very minor dent in the main quest
    • I can tell you first hand after 200+ hours I feel like I've only scratched the surface of what the game has to offer.
    • This is a huge game, and I've just cracked the surface of it.
    • But that's just scratching the surface of this vast, completely interactive world, known as Tamriel
    • I've already dumped over 60 hours into the game, and I've barely scratched the surface.
    • Aside from the occasional uncomplete-able quest, and some physics issues (apparently horses can defy gravity and climb vertical surfaces if you strafe), the gameplay is as solid as it gets
    • I've played for 30 hours and haven't scratched the surface
    • Five hours of play in this game barely scratches the surface!
    • Sure Skyrim has it's occasional bugs and the like but after playing 50 plus hours and still hardly scratching the surface of my quest log it's hard to complain when such a massive game has been put in front of me
    • You can easily spend 100 hours on the game and just scratch the surface
    • and I still have barely scratched the surface of the game
    • and I haven't even scratched the surface.
    • and I've just scratched the surface
    • The game is as beautiful as it is deep and endless
    • Graphics are outstanding, controlls work as they should
    • he will also have at least a couple of spells, and a good collection of potions (I've used hundreds of Heal potions, they're the only way to survive some battles (you freeze action in the middle of a battle to embibe) as well as to replenish magicka).Save Game
    • Even running through them as fast as I could still took about an hour to complete
    • People say that faction quests are not as good as in Oblivion but it about evens out, imo
    • I have mined ore, smithed armor, and even chopped wood for a living, as well as destroying everyone in a city in this game
    • Look at Star Wars the force unleashed, that game made you feel like a bad a
    • This may disappoint some long-time RPG players who love directly tweaking their stats, but I found I enjoyed this differences in gameplay just the same as if I'd taken the time to raise this or that stat in another title.
    • I can't say enough good things about this game and if you don't already own it, scroll back up and get it on your computer as fast as you can
    • That is just my take on the game, it's really a believable world, and of course everything is always as good as you make it.
    • The quests are challenging, and require more than mere button-mashing (be prepared to do some thinking, as well as to make some important, game-changing decisions).Having put in a long night of playing my first character, I was very satisfied with Skyrim, and anticipated many, MANY hours of play
    • Con: Graphics aren't as wonderful as in previous games, which shocked me
    • One of the best things is you can play it as little or as much as you would like and have a great time.
    • Plus, it sucks a$$ to have to load the game back up, load the saved game, and redo everything you just did.
    • That particular dragon I couldn't kill as he never got close enough to me
    • I wish you could swing your weapons left and right as fast as you can click, and have them all coming in from different angles
    • There is a thick, leather-bound art book, a DVD on the making of the game that fascinated me (such as how they programmed a dragon's movements, how they came up with a written and spoken language for dragons, and much more), and of course the game