• Reviews around strip (1.61 of 5)

    Epson Perfection V600 Color Photo, Image, Film, Negative & Document Scanner - Corded

    • Have yet to try any of the great batch of 35mm negative film strips.
    • I found that if one flattens the negative strips by placing them in a book with heavy books on top for about 2 days, they will go more readily into the film holder.
    • Then we hung the film strips from clips in the ceiling until they drip-dried, once dried we would take scissors and cut the entire roll down to manageable strips (or we cut the transparency film down to each frame and popped them into slide holders)
    • Carrier tray for slides limited to 4, and 12 for negative strips
    • It's very time consuming, that's why I do most scans with the scanner's auto-adjusts turned on.)At four slides at a time, or 2 negative strips, the process takes forever
    • Then we hung the film strips from clips in the ceiling until they drip-dried, once dried we would take scissors and cut the entire roll down to manageable strips (or we cut the transparency film down to each frame and popped them into slide holders)
    • It works well for mounted 35 mm color slides but is unusable for most of my 35mm color negative strips.
    • The key was a tab on the digitized output that showed the raw negative strip, you normally saw the scanner try to find the picture(s) on it's own and sometimes fail
    • I was happy t it works well with windows