• Reviews around noise (1.36 of 5)

    Etymotic High-Fidelity Earplugs, ER20XS Standard Fit, 1 pair, Polybag Packaging

    • I've used these several times at loud concerts, comparing them to the cheaper options from a drug store, and these are so much better in terms of attenuating loud noises while still allowing the music to come through
    • They definitely knock down the road/wind noise while still allowing me to clearly hear what is going on around me
    • I struggle with loud noises like movie theaters or restaurants, this brings down a lot of the volume without losing what people are saying.
    • I would highly recommend this product not just for musicians and others regularly exposed to loud noises, but also for people with sensitive hearing or anybody with concerns about hearing damage or - specifically - Tinnitus
    • These earplugs are comfortable enough to keep in for hours at a time, and easy to insert and remove so the likelihood of actually having them in when a loud noise occurs unexpectedly is much better compared to disposable foam earplugs
    • so I hear all sort of loud noise that could easily damage your hearing
    • More recently, I've been working in a wood shop with lots of loud and continuous noises that I need to filter out while maintaining my ability to hear questions
    • I expected them to provide greater noise reduction than my original ETY-20s, while allowing better clarity for the filtered sounds.
    • Still, what I'm trying to block out is a constant very loud fan noise - and they're not doing it for me - hence the search for an upgrade
    • I have to push the standard fit in and the large seem like they filter less noise
    • If you do anything that has to do with loud noises, these are a great addition to your keychain.
    • It's especially helpful on the freeway where the noise from the rushing air is real loud on my non-faired bike
    • They also dampen loud noises such as a gas powered weed eater to the same volume as a normal voice
    • I'm around loud noise often
    • I bought these for my girlfriend, who is even more sensitive than I am to loud noises, but who also enjoys a good concert
    • However, you still hear critical noises like cars and emergency vehicles
    • truly blocks out the unnecessary volume and noise without blocking too much
    • But it is cool that u can hear everything and it cancels out loud noise.
    • These are not the same thing as wearing loud noise hearing protection - like the stuff I wear for woodworking.
    • These are not the same thing as wearing loud noise hearing protection - like the stuff I wear for woodworking.
    • I bought this to use at concerts as I already have some hearing loss and tinnitus caused by exposure to loud noise at work
    • Great at reducing the volume of loud noises