• Reviews around mod (3.61 of 5)

    Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition - PC

    • This edition perfects Fallout New Vegas by including all the patches and dlc but all of the ingenious mods will keep you hooked years after.
    • The one perk per level mod is really good with this game
    • so i could try a run through with some mod's (Sawyer's mod to ramp up the difficulty, a Radio Active Channel or Radio Free Wasteland mod for alot more period appropriate music, Nevada Skies mod for weather, etc...
    • I still love to play though, just need to ease off the mods or get myself a better computer.
    • Personally, I would recommend just continuing with FO3 (download some mods from Nexus or something) until Bethesda finds a better solution than Steam and continuous online monitoring of your gameplay.
    • I recommend some mods and use the pcgamingwiki.com to tweak the game.
    • If you are like me, and don't enjoy gore in video games (I don't need a game to be "realistic" in that way, it just grosses me out), there are mods which remove the majority of the gore
    • I've seen all sorts of amazing tweaks and mods.