• Reviews around way (3.61 of 5)

    Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition - PC

    • If this does not concern you, well, you can now make an informed decision either way
    • Either way its worth it for every person who likes an in-depth RPG or just a light shooter with RPG elements that will give you hundreds of hours throughout the experience.~ Vaultnishi
    • , I was lucky enough to be able to creatively turn the drilling device/cajole/coerce my way into funding for an Alienware laptop a few years back, and decided to give my system a good run with a Bethesda game for once (despite being a HUGE computer gamer, I've never played any of the more recent Elder Scrolls games, and neither of the newer Fallout games on the comp) and as of my initial arrival at The Strip have only encountered two slight glitches, in both cases slaughtered foe-men appearing slightly off the ground with the arms outstretched in a rather hilariously ironic imitation of crucifixion.
    • Just a fun game and a great way to spend time.
    • A nice way around that (sometimes) is that you can dress up as a member of the other faction and possibly fool them in case they aren't very happy with you
    • It works well as a way to get extra cash, but don't get too good -- or else people won't want to play with you (just like real life).The game is very open-ended in terms of how long you take to finish the main quest and there are technically multiple endings
    • I like the way you can side with different factions in the war over the Hoover Dam, such as siding with the NCR or Caesar's legion, but unlike more recent Bethesda games, you can't actually join these groups
    • But the missions are fun and it's a better way to kill an afternoon than watching TV or at least I think it is, keep in mind in Fallout New Vegas instead of your enemies depending on your game level like FO3, they are just programed to be there whether you are ready for them or not
    • I always hated piracy as it helped ruined good gaming companies and kept many good games from being made.