• Reviews around buzz (1.54 of 5)

    Full Size Electric Bass Guitar Starter Beginner Pack with Amp Case Strap Black Package

    • I did have to adjust my truss rod due to terrible fret buzz out of the
    • It has a buzz in the high tones, but I like a deep rich bass
    • The amp is "ok," as it does buzz quite a bit (it is a pretty faint buzzing when low volume but gets super loud when you turn up the volume) but that doesn't interfere with the sound when you are playing it, it is just kind of annoying
    • Yes, there is a little bit of fret buzz but no one should be buying a guitar like this expecting to use it in a performance
    • Some loud persistent buzzing put a quick end to that attempt
    • If you are having trouble with fret buzz, get the guitar set up by someone who knows what they are doing
    • The amp is "ok," as it does buzz quite a bit (it is a pretty faint buzzing when low volume but gets super loud when you turn up the volume) but that doesn't interfere with the sound when you are playing it, it is just kind of annoying
    • Fret buzz is a problem on almost every fret, the strings lost tuning after ~20 minutes of tooling around, and the neck was slightly warped
    • I plugged into the little amp that came with it and there was a very loud buzz
    • The only drawbacks are sharp frets on the neck can irritate the skin and the cable buzzed for us when plugged into the amp