• Reviews around people (2.12 of 5)

    Gran Turismo 3 A-spec

    • Anyways the graphics are so good people will ask you what channel you're watching
    • the cars look very realistic and the tracks and environments are great but the people on the sides watching look like paper cut outs
    • Very good, not as bad as people make it out to be
    • Not for dumb people, like me
    • no one complained about it, why are people complaining about
    • I would use the Ridge Racer series as an example of a true arcade racer and it felt that I was losing some people in the explanation
    • Not for dumb people, like me
    • Many people complain about having trouble getting the licences, but if you were ever good at the original GT or GT2, then getting the licences only takes about a week of evening play.
    • Some people might not like this game because of the control...and I admit, it takes a while to get used to.
    • Some people will be put off by this collection of songs, but most people will ignore them when listening to the actual sounds of the game
    • Some people may complain about the relatively low number of cars (approx
    • and it was delayed so much so they could add more cars and the cars dont all handle the same (which makes me think did these people even buy the game or just blowing smoke up peoples
    • This game is a big ol heap o fun