• Reviews around song (3.59 of 5)

    Guitar Hero 2 Bundle with Guitar -Xbox 360

    • The Bonus dowloadable songs make the game overly worth it
    • The songs are great, the kids loved decorating the guitar with the stickers that came along, it's been lots of fun
    • I played this game at Job Corps with all my friends, we made rules such as if we failed a song before 50%, we can start a new one or retry and if we failed a song after 50% we had to hand the guitar to the next person
    • Classic songs never fail and it fun for everyone
    • ; hilarious charicatures of music stereotypes, ie: punk rocker, metal thrasher, gothic rocker-Excellent interface; easy to navigate menus-Various difficulty levels which greatly add to replay value-Song selection has some great riff-based songs: "killing in the name of", "last child", "Strutter", "shout at the devil", which are TONS of fun to play.-Song selection gets more challenging and exposes you to a few rock songs from bands you might already know, which you may not have heard before.-downloadable content will extend replay valueCons:-The song selection, particularly towards the end, tends to lean towards a newer style of heavy-metal (ie: Lamb of G-d) which I don't find particularly interesting from a technical perspective, nor enjoyable to listen to
    • The songs become more difficult as you progress and the game leads you into having arcade-worthy 1337 skillz
    • The gameplay follows suit like it did with the Playstation 2 edition, as you strum your guitar through over 50 classic rock songs including guilty pleasures like Rock This Town by the Stray Cats,
    • Sure, not every person will love every song
    • The songs are great, there's a practice mode, you can play co-opt & against someone, you have the option to purchase more songs through xbox live, you can play against or with other people from all over online, and whether your young or old everyone can really have a great time.
    • Some are incredibly easy (fail a song on medium, reach a 8x combo, beat easy mode, etc.
    • Your fingers will feel like burger meat after trying to play songs like "Psychobilly Freakout" and "Jessica" on anything above medium difficulty but as soon as they feel normal again, the guitar will find its way back in your hands
    • There is also easier songs and harder songs.
    • (Plus, they include a lot of free bonus songs which aren't part of the regular game, and even more songs that you can download from the original guitar hero.
    • I find my self listening to the radio and wanting every song to be available online!
    • There are additional 3-song packs available for purchase through XBox Live, and some have complained that the price is too high, especially since you cannot generate any acheivements or in-game "cash" with them
    • Its just a distraction sometimes.3.There are a few songs that are almost impossible (Jordan by Buckethead)Other than those 2 cons this is a great game overall.
    • There is also easier songs and harder songs.
    • What seperates this one nicely though is that you can actually download songs from Xbox live and use those songs on this game as well to add to the fun
    • The songs become more difficult as you progress and the game leads you into having arcade-worthy 1337 skillz
    • The game includes a Career mode where you unlock songs by finishing them successfully, as well as a Quick Play mode where you can just play along with songs you've unlocked without worrying about a score, a Practice Mode which allows you to play all or just parts of a song as well as slow it down so you can nail the particularly tough parts at a slow speed before working on them at full speed.
    • The Characters are amazing, they remind you of all the legends, The songs Are great
    • A combination of great mechanics and stellar songs made the game irresistible to anyone who found Dance Dance Revolution a little less accessible.
    • Some are incredibly easy (fail a song on medium, reach a 8x combo, beat easy mode, etc.
    • The easy levels are simple enough that a 7 year old can complete the songs, but the expert level is insane!Song downloads on the 360 are great, i just wish there
    • more!The included 70 songs have a good variety and are a blast
    • On xbox 360 you can download new songs as well to play
    • While playing you must keep your "rock meter" in the green/yellow or you will fail the song
    • What I wish they could add is like a sand box mode where you can craft your own songs and play them like you are actually playing a real song on a real guitar
    • Now, mind you, they're all great songs; but is what amounts to a CD enough for you to plunk down another ninety bucks?Unfortunately, two of the features I was really pulling for on the 360 version aren't making the final release.
    • There are some songs that are so slow, and so easy, it's almost boring to play
    • The interface is great, the songs are great, and you really get hooked into the fun
    • the graphics are incredible, the songs are awsome, and it is not a game you can just fly through in a week
    • Microsoft should put some free songs to download would be more interesting.
    • I was so excited to hear these excellent songs
    • Wrong notes move it down towards yellow, then red, then a "song failed")
    • This was the song that made an already amazing song list even better, allowing gamers, casual or otherwise to experiance one of the best rock athems to have ever been written