• Reviews around note (2.18 of 5)

    Guitar Hero II: Game & Guitar Controller Bundle

    • I sometimes hit the strum bar without meaning to, thus counting as a missed note
    • Another note, my younger children 8 and 10 had difficulty with the distance of the buttons on the gitar although they really wanted to play, for them it was easier on practice mode so that they could actually get through the songs without failing
    • The good:-more challenging XD-if you're stuck on a hard song you can go into "practice mode" and practice sections of the song at a slower speed-introduces new 2-player modes including "pro faceoff" where both players play EXACTLY the same notes, and "cooperative" where each player can select their own difficulty settings (i.e. one plays easy, and the other plays expert)-"Sweet Child of Mine" by Guns n' Roses, "Killing in the name" by Rage against the machine, "Heart-Shaped Box" by Nirvana
    • sometimes I think I am pushing a fret button, but I'm not pushing hard enough, so it counts as a missed note
    • selves rather than have some kids who bitch because they dont know the classics (note: I am in no way calling all these songs classics, for example Avenged
    • When you miss the notes the songs sounds so horrible that it is actually funny.
    • Hours of fun trying to score higher and hit the hard notes.
    • I also bought this game because I am learning to play guitar and have trouble "fretting" the notes, mainly due to no feedback source
    • - The Rolling Stones"Sweet Child O' Mine" - Guns N' Roses5
    • "Sweet Child O' Mine" - Guns N' Roses (Encore)5