• Reviews around people (1.46 of 5)

    Halo 3 - Xbox 360

    • In shooters, people like to shoot and fight and there wasn't very much of that going on
    • That is just stupid people
    • So people who ps3 sales are pathetic so it will never be the winner of the next gen consoles
    • never very many people online anymore... hard to find a game sometimes
    • People say this game sucks
    • It's just not halo if you can't blow people up with a tank and laugh at them helplessly fly through the air (like genocidal fireworks!).
    • In other words, do violent games make us violent people
    • Mastercheifs bouncing around small maps at mach speed cracking people in the back of the skull.
    • Many people complained about ending Halo 2 as the Arbiter
    • I understand why people would be disappointed, but I never expected it to live up to its hype.
    • but people do it, and it will ruin your experience
    • Remember this is the internet, and most people use it to slander others annonymously
    • around(but you then dont have unlimited ammo) with them going to a slow (but powerful)3rd person perspective there is also a short range flame throwerwhich some people find useful or hate it these are so called "support"weapons the cool thing about them you can have your two weaponsplus one of these
    • around(but you then dont have unlimited ammo) with them going to a slow (but powerful)3rd person perspective there is also a short range flame throwerwhich some people find useful or hate it these are so called "support"weapons the cool thing about them you can have your two weaponsplus one of these
    • People have been complaining about the ending and how crappy it was.
    • Critical people are in it for the money, they don't care about anything else
    • I have absolutely no idea why people see this game as horrid
    • Don't get me wrong, these people are hardcore Halo fans (loved every second of Halo 1), and that's to their own right
    • Remember that night you killed twenty people in a row without dying
    • If people are so desperate for a decent FPS, either get Bioshock, or wait for Unreal Tournament 3..
    • So people who say wii waggle makes games worse so it will never be the winner of the next gen consoles
    • And why people don't like halo for lack of
    • Thanks Microsoft for making the game exclusive for the 360 and cutting loose all the people who bought your products in the past.
    • I absolutely hate people who say "WAAAAA!
    • since you can move your camera 360 degrees) motorcycle kindof thing which is balanced greatly since you can drive into and destroy smallervehicles easily and splatter other people have killer hard to aim shots from in frontbut absolutely no defense from behind making it easy to hijack
    • Also people have complained that the graphics are not like Gears of
    • In the past the worst parts about matchmaking was the wait times, constant restarts and even complete loss of games because people quit or lost their connection
    • Some people hate Halo because it is so popular
    • People pick apart and criticize various parts of the game, but many of those same people are online all the time playing this thing like crazy anyway.