• Reviews around chip (3.86 of 5)

    Intel Core i7-7820X Processor

    • My chip can hit 5ghz easy and if I had a delid along with my big water setup I could get 5.2.
    • Amazing chip.
    • Great chip.
    • I'm coming from an I7-4790k which is still great chip
    • Would recommend this chip, if you can afford it that is and you are partial to Intel.
    • Awesome chip, and noticeably faster than my 5960X (oced at 4.6Ghz) for video editing.
    • So instead, we have 20c hotter temps than the chip should have and you have people delidding their chips and voiding their warranty and risking their $1k chip just to keep this thing from overheating
    • Powerful gaming chip and one I can use from streaming and video editing as well
    • $363.00 paperweightliterally the worst Intel chip I've had in the past 20 years (returned)
    • was 74 C and its a phenomenal chip worth the price if you ask me.