• Reviews around dsl (1.95 of 5)

    IQrouter – IQRV2 Self-Optimizing router with dual band WiFi (AC1750) adapts to your line for improved quality

    • The first time I had AT&T's less than stellar DSL, it did what it could but garbage in, garbage out.
    • A few months later our provider finally mad a faster DSL
    • Got this to try and improve the horrible DSL connection at a family member's home, and boy, did it ever make a difference
    • After this, it has performed beyond my expectations on a very poor DSL line.
    • We had a 3M/0.5M DSL solution that frankly... sucked.
    • A few months later our provider finally mad a faster DSL
    • Since I live in a town who has crappy dsl
    • The only product that speeds up slow DSL connections --- and continually adapts itself to changing internet speeds, to give you the best possible connection, ALWAYS
    • It showed an improvement from a very consistent “D” (pre-IQrouter) to a solid