• Reviews around instrument (3.86 of 5)

    Korg Monotron Delay Analog Ribbon Synthesizer

    • I enjoy this, but not as a serious instrument
    • But this is an excellent toy and a surprisingly fun instrument, if seriously limited in application.
    • Very cool instrument…definitely more than a toy.
    • It's the cheapest musical instrument I own, honestly one of the least useful, but one of my favorites to play with
    • It's great to add as an FX instrument when I jam -- it gives great sci fi or other kinds of sounds to add to a mix, and adds something really distinctive
    • So, the Korg was the perfect instrument to keep his attention since the variety of sounds are
    • In my opinion, this is the best pocket instrument out there.
    • This is the perfect instrument for someone with no music knowledge but a desire to make a lot of noise
    • and I can ever hear it with my ears when the instrument is turned up loud and is playing out of the built in speakers
    • I ran the Monotron through a line input on my audio interface and made myself a library of samples which I fine-tuned, edited and loaded into Reason's NM-19 sampler, effectively making a polyphonic, usable Monotron instrument.
    • And it's great to use as a small, affordable delay effect to add to an instrument -- especially something like a Volca or something similar where the instrument's portable and you're already using a 1/8" jack, where it's going to be easier to deal with than a pedal effect
    • Overall its a good instrument to by,specially at the price Korg has given to it
    • Interesting instrument.
    • the flashing speed button looks cool, but its more for looks-I just use it as a flashing light most of the time, because it doesn't make strong rhythmic beats, its a lead instrument, or it can be a creepy background of whooshing, robot noises, helicopters, spaceships(well, use a little imagination !
    • It *seems* like this device made other instruments, like the Volca series and the Minilogue, possible