• Reviews around play (5.00 of 5)

    Lego Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues - Playstation 3

    • Also, once he finished these games he didn't go back to FREE play levels; instead he was proud he conquered the game then wanted to put in LEGO games he's had for years prior.
    • Another thing that bugged me was that there was no "free play" like you would suspect
    • Highly recommended for hours and hours of terrific game play!
    • Free play has changed and is now tucked away in the Creator hub.
    • The summaryOne of the best parts of the earlier games, and what made them enjoyable time and time again was replaying levels in free play mode and using the various characters to search for newly accessible areas, find the minikits and other secret goodies and so on
    • I own five different LEGO games across PS2, DS, and PS3, and I enjoy playing this game every bit as much as the others, but this game is too buggy
    • Not nearly as good as the original