• Reviews around beam (1.73 of 5)

    Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

    • The game has some new items to add to Samus's arsenal including the dark and echo visors, the sunburst, darkbust, dark beam,light beam, annihilater beam,gravity boost, screw attack, sonic boom, dark suit, light suit, and seeker launcher
    • I also loved the annihilator beam
    • There's so many impressive factors, the usefulness of your visors giving you extra interaction throughout the game, the new upgrades, the logic that your dark beam annihilates anything in the normal dimension and vice versa, New upgrades for more interaction, noticeably better graphics, the wonderful (and honestly really frustrating at times) challenge of trying to fight a boss in the dark dimension but losing health constantly because the atmosphere alone can kill you ( don't worry, you get upgrades that make it do less damage and eventually you can walk through taking no damage at all
    • The 1-4 player mode is very fun, for the fact that you can get hacking to people, the light beam , the dark beam, the annililator beam,and the death ball which is a really cheap weapon
    • swinging around with your grapple beam is always a pleasure.
    • worse yet the ammo can only be replenished is certain conditions are met (IE to get light beam ammo you have to kill with the dark beam.
    • if a charged dark beam is fired into the air it creates a mini black hole
    • samus gets new items and weapons such as the light suit and the dark suit, the light beam and the dark beam and even screw attack
    • swinging around with your grapple beam is always a pleasure.
    • The 1-4 player mode is very fun, for the fact that you can get hacking to people, the light beam , the dark beam, the annililator beam,and the death ball which is a really cheap weapon
    • For one, you have many different weapons at your disposal (bombs, boost ball, power bombs, light beam, dark beam, annhilator beam, power beam, death ball, a turret) as well as other power ups (such as massive damage).
    • The new beams are really powerful and the ammo offsets that.
    • killing foes with the light beam awards dark ammo, and killing foes with the dark beam awards light ammo.
    • but unlike regular beams the light beam and the dark beam have limited ammo... they also are used as weaknesses agasit certain creatures... they are esstinal for the game...
    • The dark beam, if shot at the ground homes in on enemies and can freeze them
    • They take amo but if you charge a dark or light beam with an empty amo tank itwill fire a normal shot
    • There are great new innovative weapons int his sequel, like the spiritualy awakening Light Beam, and the gothy suicidal like Dark Beam
    • That can become a tad tedious, but the game can be generous, and the way one scavenges for ammo is to use the beam of the opposite polarity to gain more ammo for the other.
    • I can't stand this game I find it stupid you have to switch between the light and dark worlds and then back track at certain points in the game not to mention the enemies on here are annoying as