• Reviews around screw attack (1.00 of 5)

    Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

    • The game has some new items to add to Samus's arsenal including the dark and echo visors, the sunburst, darkbust, dark beam,light beam, annihilater beam,gravity boost, screw attack, sonic boom, dark suit, light suit, and seeker launcher
    • The fan-favorite screw attack is back, though it is not very useful as an attack.
    • You also gain new movement systems that are new to the game, such as the Screw Attack, which is rather difficult to get used to
    • Samus is supposed to jump high and use the screw attack, this Samus barely gets off the ground, it's like a fat-person playing hopscotch
    • And I can't even express how great it is to have the screw attack back in the game
    • Add to all of this the inclusion of the Screw Attack (wonderfully executed, though later perfected in Prime 3: Corruption) which was absent from the original Prime.
    • I can't stand this game I find it stupid you have to switch between the light and dark worlds and then back track at certain points in the game not to mention the enemies on here are annoying as
    • I can't stand this game I find it stupid you have to switch between the light and dark worlds and then back track at certain points in the game not to mention the enemies on here are annoying as