• Reviews around pace (5.00 of 5)

    Muramasa Rebirth Blessing of Amitabha Edition - PlayStation Vita (Limited)

    • Fans of old school brawlers and 2D fast paced action games won't be disappointed.
    • A button mashing, fast paced, side scrolling platformer plain and simple
    • Music is composed by Basiscape, and while all of the compositions were fitting to the Japanese scenery, there were some stand-out tracks (such as track that plays with the boss fight against T*****ime and Y****jo).For those who were used to Odin Sphere, the side-scrolling and attacks/special attacks are similar, but Muramasa is much more fast-paced--took me a bit of time to get used to
    • It's fast paced with lots of fighting and many places to visit
    • Another thing I enjoyed was the soundtrack, the boss battles to be more specific, the music is fast pace, epic, and really knows how to get one in the right mindset for fighting some supernatural badass boss
    • This game's gameplay is very fast paced and requires plenty of strategy to stay alive during a fight
    • You get the beautiful graphics and fast paced gameplay the original version had and a few extras
    • Muramasa could have been much more entertaining if the gameplay didn't drag the pace down so much, and if it wasn't so monotonous.
    • The game is a fast-paced arcade style slashing game where you play with three swords with different styles and skills that require your precise control execution and item uses to effectively fight and survive the battles
    • Graphic is sharper, music is as wonderful as before