• Reviews around billboard (1.95 of 5)

    Need for Speed Most Wanted - Playstation 3

    • However, you'll probably be too busy seeing if you're beating your friends, smashing billboards and the like to be worrying about
    • Sometimes, when I smash a billboard and post better yardage on a jump, the billboard will still show my competitors photo but it will show above the billboard that I have the best record
    • Outside of the racing events, there are also ones that involve getting away from the cops (wreck your friend=them getting busted and disowning you) as well as who can drift the most, get the most air, break the most billboards, etc
    • Since I wrote this review, I took the game to a friend of mine to see somebody else suffering as I did and after 50 minutes of him playing it and giving it a second chance we reached an accord, this game its awful.
    • I love this one more as i use it with my wheel which makes it awesome
    • Spiritual successor to burnout paradise, but not as great as that was.
    • Outside of the racing events, there are also ones that involve getting away from the cops (wreck your friend=them getting busted and disowning you) as well as who can drift the most, get the most air, break the most billboards, etc
    • Outside of the racing events, there are also ones that involve getting away from the cops (wreck your friend=them getting busted and disowning you) as well as who can drift the most, get the most air, break the most billboards, etc
    • I would have been PISSED if I paid the $10 for a online pass and the multiplayer sucked as much as I thought it did