• Reviews around song (3.70 of 5)

    Rocksmith 2014 Edition Remastered - Xbox One Standard Edition

    • The downside was the songs are limited and for the few locked songs you have to
    • So no free songs
    • Boys love songs and are enjoying the game.
    • Not a ton of popular songs, but honestly will help you get better.
    • If you want to expand your song pack to get better songs, you have to buy them
    • Being able to slow the song down in the riff repeater is an absolute game changer
    • Especially when you are playing fast songs with a precise beat
    • Most people want to learn to play the guitar because they have favorite songs they want to play, and I am really glad Rocksmith focuses on that
    • It starts off with easy songs and gets more difficult as the game goes on.
    • The game is fun and is a great source to learn your favorite songs but quickly becomes a source of frustration if you don't learn your basic chords first
    • It was often times frustrating and needed constant calibration, but I enjoyed playing familiar songs.
    • I think most of the people interested in playing Rocksmith will be fairly satisfied, and if they're not, there are apparently over 850 songs available to download at this time
    • Just think 12 individual songs that you might enjoy is $36.00 and the packages give you maybe one decent song!
    • BUT, it's a great intro, teaching you important things like chords, how to hold a guitar, and get you motivated by providing a huge library of GOOD songs to use
    • It does come with some good guitar songs but you can upload songs for a price
    • When you select songs it will suggest lessons and you can break the songs into different segments and speed.
    • The "missions" are much less about completing every song and more about challenging yourself and perfecting individual songs.
    • Also, the songs that come with the game are not really the top 40 ultimate guitar songs that everyone wants to learn
    • It's easy to get discouraged when trying to learn your favorite songs
    • The songs get hard really fast and if you don't know chords or scales or anything, you'll end up putting your guitar down pretty quickly
    • The free bonus songs I tried to download with the code but got an error
    • The game is great and work well with recognizing the tones, but I couldn't give it 5 star because there aren't enough songs and they cost about $3 per song to download which is ridiculous
    • The difficulty in the songs is dynamic, if you play good the song gets harder as you go, if you're struggling the song gets easier
    • The difficulty in the songs is dynamic, if you play good the song gets harder as you go, if you're struggling the song gets easier
    • I found that I had to activate the riff repeater and slow the song down to 50-80% before I could land the notes it was asking for
    • I really appreciate the number and variety of songs available