• Reviews around nextstand (1.54 of 5)

    Roost Laptop Stand – Adjustable and Portable Laptop Stand – PC and MacBook Stand, Made in USA

    • The Roost's joints have tighter tolerances and the legs don't feel nearly as shaky as the Nextstand even though the Roost legs are more slender.
    • While the Nextstand is significantly cheaper, the Roost packs down into a noticeably smaller size, which is helpful when your "one bag travel" backpack gets filled with a tea making kit you carry around with you for some unfathomable reason
    • Additionally, the Roost stand adjusts to grip your laptop with springs, while the Nextstand has little shims you insert and possibly lose on a night out in Bali
    • Compared to the NextStand (cheaper knockoff) it is much more compact, which is what I wanted when transporting back and forth from the office
    • Since I both travel a lot and work on my macbook pro laptop a