• Reviews around innovations (5.00 of 5)

    Serene Innovations TV-SB Wireless TV Listening Speaker w/Free Extra Power Adapter & EZ Living Aids Drink Coaster

    • I need to take the last installation option which, to quote their instructions is: "If no solutions listed are ideal for your TV, connect the TV SoundBox to your TV with an external microphone provided by Serene Innovations, at no charge, upon your request
    • I tried going online to the Serene Innovations website, but couldn't find an answer
    • I will be calling Serene Innovations on Monday to find out how to return the product.
    • When I contacted Serene Innovations to get new cords sent, they told me I would have to buy them and sent me a link to purchase
    • I returned this item and found and bought the Simolio digital wireless tv speaker that comes with optical adaptor built in...it was the same price as Serene Innovations model which requires the additional $30 adaptor