• Reviews around brew (1.53 of 5)

    SHARDOR Conical Burr Coffee Grinder, Electric Adjustable Burr Mill with 35 Precise Grind Setting for 2-12 Cup, Black

    • My cold brew 2 times a Week
    • and then later my husband's cold brew grind.
    • I still get tiny grounds in my cold brew carafe after grinding on the highest coarse setting.
    • However, I like to use this for cold brew where I grind one pound of coffee for my cold brew setup
    • I make cold brew all the time and there other grinder works great but the grind depends on how long you hold the lid down
    • It can accommodate my auto-drip as well as my cold brew (that I've missed so much during the pandemic by not being able to buy the proper grind)
    • That said it works fine and you can grind the coffee beans to many different textures such as fine, very fine or coarse for cold brew
    • I just want to note why I gave it 4 stars instead of 5.For context, I brew coffee one of two ways, French press and cold brew
    • Should be good for French press and cold brew - but I have only done pour over so far
    • I am looking forward to many cups of cold brew in my future!
    • Using whole bean coffee vs. store-bought ground coffee has totally enhanced my enjoyment of fresh brewed coffee.
    • It is really easy to use and it works well, has a consistent grind in all of the many grind settings (haven’t actually tried them all, but I did coarse for cold brew and espresso grind, and they were both perfect).It’s easy to switch between the grind settings with the settings wheel, so that’s good too
    • It can accommodate my auto-drip as well as my cold brew (that I've missed so much during the pandemic by not being able to buy the proper grind)
    • I make cold brew all the time and there other grinder works great but the grind depends on how long you hold the lid down
    • The only reason I gave it 4 stars is that the coarse setting isn't quite coarse enough to cold brew
    • The 35 grind settings are way plenty for a decent brew.
    • Also, the largest grind setting isn't really large enough for cold brew.
    • The only reason I gave it 4 stars is that the coarse setting isn't quite coarse enough to cold brew
    • Love the product, has made making cold brew a joy and simple task.
    • I’m using it for coarse ground beans to make cold brew and even my husband has told me multiple times how good the coffee is
    • Now, back to my French press/cold brew folks.. the front of this burr grinder has a gauge going from finely ground (espresso) to medium, then course (French press
    • I still use the manual grinder, as the cold brew system we use allows me to add to the brew in a gallon container over a few days ... it works well for a half-hopper each day, but we decided to get another electric grinder to save wear and tear on my arm