• Reviews around story (3.75 of 5)

    Silent Hill 2: Greatest Hits

    • The story, while thin at times, is generally workable and never really insultingly self-indulgent
    • Sure, there are clues and inventory and you need to work out a story, but it all seemed so secondary to the "chilly atmosphere" generated, which eventually wore off.
    • So play this game for the most definitive, moody Silent Hill in the series, and for the best, most understandable story as well- one of the best and most mature game stories in general
    • And when you realize all the symbolism and understand the great story, you'll accept Silent Hill 2 for what it is: one of the best games ever.
    • I'll admit, it didn't scare me hardly at all, I felt moved and sad because of incredible story, but it didn't scare me though
    • All this story would be moot if there wasn't a good presentation, which there definitely is
    • As for the story, look, the story's solid, but this game was released back in mid-2001.
    • The musical scores, coupled with the character animations and voice acting, helps construct an ideal atmosphere for such a dark story to prosper.
    • Less gory and satanic than the first game, but with a great story- the most coherent and understandable in the series, and with a fantastic twist at the end