• Reviews around step (1.00 of 5)

    Sony PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Disc Remote

    • It has all of the normal buttons (Play, Stop, Pause, Scan, Skip Scene, Slow Step, etc.) as well as the normal Playstation buttons (X, Circle, Square, Triangle, L1, R1, Playstation Button, etc.)
    • square(view), triangle(options), circle(back) -Separate SCAN(left), SCAN(right), PREV, NEXT, SLOW/STEP(left), SLOW/STEP(right)
    • I like using the slow step buttons to catch something in movies I never found before
    • It maps ALL the six-axis buttons and performs everything a six-axis would do, except for the joystick features of R3 and L3 (but you do have the push-down or 'click' abilities for them).= 2 AA battery powered (still with the original Sony batteries after 4 months of use)= Includes additional buttons that the movie-only users would expect on a remote such as: + a number pad + eject + red, green, blue, yellow buttons + play, stop, pause + slow(step)